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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/generalambivalence on 2024-09-28 02:47:23+00:00.

My main primary device for interacting with HA is my mobile device, so I wanted to build a dashboard that provides me the information I want organized by room. I built this dashboard using sections along with card-mod and mushroom cards.

The header and footer are fixed and are mushroom chips. The header chips toggle the room view. The footer chips provide a dynamic quick view status of specific devices. A combination of card-mod in the cards and as a theme provides the styling and keeps it responsive.

Most of the cards are mushroom cards. Graphs are native sensor cards. I found that the mini-graph and apex-charts add-ons, while visually appealing, really dragged performance over time.

This was my first time using sections. I had built a similar mobile dashboard using layout-card before sections was released. It was much easier using sections. I’m sure I’ll iterate on this, but simple, easy access, and a clear interface was my primary goal here. Spousal Approval Factor was important, as well.