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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Thanks for understanding. I did read the article. I didn’t click through to a second article but I did later search and found the details (see below).

    Reading though this all, and all the replies, the accusations, the negative assumptions - we’re so screwed. I’m literally on the same side of all these folks that assume I’ve got some agenda. I just wanted to see information presented with details, even (especially) from those that are making the point I agree with. But the this social media, even this distributed, federated platform that isn’t tuned to rile us up with algorithms for clicks, has us assuming the worst in each other. Has us behaving poorly behind the mask of anonymity. I didn’t come here for “karma” or points. I came to discuss. I was disappointed.

    Anyhow, here’s what I found and posted above on the topic. Spoiler - the “Reddit expert” (in my opinion) was right:

    Sorry, I’m clearly doing a terrible job making my point.

    So instead, I just did a quick search. If the person writing the article included this information I would never had said anything.

    Here’s the animation produced by PragerU and enforced for the Florida school’s curriculum:


    And here’s a more thorough article with facts and details, that does beyond calling a Reddit user and expert for a clickbait headline:


    My issue was with the article, not the position. It wasn’t informing. It was pandering. After watching the video I am better informed about the counterpoint to my own beliefs.

    And don’t listen to me, a random Lemmy user, but my take was that it was a terrible argument and I was offended by it. I worry that this is what is being promoted as material suitable for educational purposes.

  • All I’m saying is if someone says to me “kids are being shown bad stuff” I’d like to be able to see for myself what they are being shown to make my own decision. Just saying “it’s stuff that’s made by these people who have an agenda” isn’t sufficient, in my opinion. Because it is so easy to link to the stuff as you rightfully point out, that it wasn’t makes me question the integrity of the reporting.

    I don’t have an agenda. In fact, I suspect we’re on the same side of the debate. I’m in favor of critical thinking and I’m certainly not denying global warming/climate change or whatever we are calling it. To be clear: if these kids are being taught it is a hoax, that’s bad in my opinion.

    But news should be informing us. And this article fails to provide us the information we need to arm ourselves against climate change deniers. All it does is say “Florida bad” and “Prager U bad.” It doesn’t give us the details to educate us and arm us with facts. That approach to persuasion, on either side of the topic, should concern all of us.

  • Not glossing over it. The first sentence is “according to the Guardian,” but doesn’t actually share what was being taught. Are they properly evaluating the material? Can’t know, they didn’t state what was being shared.

    Second sentence is not clarifying what is being shown, just that it comes from an organization that has an agenda.

    All I’m saying here is this article is very heavy in divisiveness and absent with specific details. That should raise concern.

    I click on the article to see what craziness Florida is doing now. I didn’t learn that from the article. There are plenty of links available from Prager U on the internet. I’d like to have seen exactly what are in those animations being shown to the kids. At best this is sloppy reporting not sharing those links.