I keep mine on 24/7, except I have a cronjob that runs in the early AM to check if it needs a reboot from unattended updates and reboots if needed.
I keep mine on 24/7, except I have a cronjob that runs in the early AM to check if it needs a reboot from unattended updates and reboots if needed.
On the iOS 18 preview page, they show RCS with green bubbles
RTings does a lot of long term OLED burn in tests usually displaying CNN since red tends to cause burn in better
Here is a pretty recent video on it including some monitors. It’s interesting that ultra wide monitors have more problems than regular 16:9 ones.
I think a lot of modern OLED panels will do a pixel shift if they detect a static image for too long. I never notice it on my TV, but might be more noticable on a monitor that you are closer to.
I do:
The package name is:
It’s listed in the Google Play store here:
The source code is available on GitHub here:
Didn’t Crowdstrike have a bad update to Debian systems back in April this year that caused a lot of problems? I don’t think it was a big thing since not as many companies are using Crowdstrike on Debian.
Sounds like the issue here is Crowdstrike and not Windows.