See my comment about Resilio sync above
Resilio sync works great for that since syncthing is on the out. I actually prefer Resilio anyways
I know I’m in a different situation here but i buy all my server drives off ebay. Just got ~60TB worth of SAS drives for a little over $200 USD. Ive never had an issue. Most of these places are where business sell their drives to be wiped. Then they just put them up on ebay
Edit: bad autocorrect
I was going to say #2 is definitely Capocolla so looks like we got it, thanks for the info on the other two, didn’t know those.
Looks like only the 20th time in the last 123 or so years
This has nothing to do with male or female. It all started with the Korean women shooter looking badass with all her kit and pose. Then this middle age dad showed up with no kit, regular glasses and shot incredibly well looking like, yeah no big deal.
Been using ShareX for a bit today, yep, you are right. Far superior. Glad I stumbled on this today!
Have you ever used lightshot? How did sharex compare if you have.
I’ve been using lightshot for years and love it, might have to try others out just to see what else is out there
Edit: Been using ShareX for a little bit today, and yes. it is superior to lightshot
Pretty sure that’s not ADA compliant.
deleted by creator
Yep, like the stories from 9-11 where people were going back up the stairs because they forgot to turn their computer off.
I use /srv for all mu shared mounts for all the *arr’s
Generate hydrogen at night from nuke plants.
Yep, bitwarden for the win
I went the Solid works hobbyist route, quite frankly, it’s well worth it. I tried freecad for awhile but it just didn’t compare.
What’s up with that “AI” generated thumbnail
I tried Resolve bit came back to kdenlive. It’s just fit my needs much better
It is twice the size of a small helicopter pad. It is on the high point in the area, and there’s a large commercial for building just to the SW. I’m not disagreeing, but I’m at a loss othwrwise. Missle silo?