• bob_wiley@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    For a while I worked on a project where I would write some code, make a pull request, approve my own merge, let the CI process run, then promote my own code through 4 other environments to get to prod… all in rapid succession. No other person looked at it or tested it. I just had to work inside of this system someone designed for massive dev teams, but I was the old dev. There were about 15 people listed as approvers for the PR, but none of them would look at my code. I once put one out there, posted in a chat that it was out there and needed review, followed up, mentioned it on meetings… months went by. Finally some other stuff went to prod that needed my changes and everything broke, so I just approved it myself and promoted it all in the middle of the day, and no one seemed to care. That was the last time I ever asked anyone to review a PR.