Americans are joining the Chinese social media app en masse to protest an imminent TikTok ban.

  • American users have flocked to Chinese social media platform Xiaohongshu in defiance of security warnings.
  • Chinese and American users have engaged in surprisingly friendly conversations about each other’s lives.
  • The influx of American users could burden Xiaohongshu’s censorship mechanism, experts say.
    2 months ago

    I know china has done some pretty fucked up things. But they’ve also built 25,000 miles of high speed rail, and a billion, that’s 1000000000, sq ft of new housing, just in the past ten years. I don’t know what percentage of the world’s solar panels come from China, but I’d bet it’s up there. They brought a billion people out of bone crushing stomach churning poverty in the course of a few decades.

    When you stack up the fucked up things we in the west have done, vs what China’s been up to… If given the option I’d think long and hard about emigrating to china.

      2 months ago

      They are not the devil they are portrayed to be for sure, its a hardline to walk to withold judgement on actions we have moved past. Its why we judge thr middle east for not letting women vote or gays exist despite these things not being too far from our modern society.

      That said China works better for the collective while the “leaders of the free world” operate on some notions of personal freedoms. China has absolutely not lifted everyone out of poverty, poverty is still as present to the same extent for a lot of the population. All the while they are a force for misinformation, road blocking progress as a global community. They are an aggressive neighbour for all in their region.

      If you want societal progress it need not come with blood and bone, while reducing discourse and enabling authoritarianism. I’d sooner cycle.