When Florida’s lawyers tried to defend the state’s social media age restriction law by claiming it’s “well known” that platforms harm children, they probably werenR…
I think it would depend on what they recommend. I think some algorithms are fine, like hashtags in common with content you liked or posts from the same person, posts that are overall well liked that day, obviously stuff you follow, etc. But specifically engineering stuff that annoys you to appear, or starting to recommend the same political agenda to everyone regardless of how they interact with the platform, etc, shouldn’t be okay.
Yes the idea isn’t, that they aren’t allowed to recommend anything. It’s that they can be held accountable (I.E. sued) if what they recommend, leads to people being radicalized by a hate group, or attempting suicide from cyber bullying. Or even just extra tharapy from doom scrolling ourselves to sleep. Right now Section 230 says they can’t be held liable for anything on their sites. Which is obviously stupid.
I think it would depend on what they recommend. I think some algorithms are fine, like hashtags in common with content you liked or posts from the same person, posts that are overall well liked that day, obviously stuff you follow, etc. But specifically engineering stuff that annoys you to appear, or starting to recommend the same political agenda to everyone regardless of how they interact with the platform, etc, shouldn’t be okay.
Yes the idea isn’t, that they aren’t allowed to recommend anything. It’s that they can be held accountable (I.E. sued) if what they recommend, leads to people being radicalized by a hate group, or attempting suicide from cyber bullying. Or even just extra tharapy from doom scrolling ourselves to sleep. Right now Section 230 says they can’t be held liable for anything on their sites. Which is obviously stupid.