My local Mensa hosts a lot of fun events, the cost is minimal, and it replaces a social vacuum left by religious activities for me. A wide variety of people, most very nice, almost all pretty interesting. Also a pretty insular group of folks that doesn’t really ruffle any feathers, so I’ve always been a little unsure why Mensa gets such hate online.
I think the same thing applies to Mensa. If you’re paying to join the “smart people club”, how smart are you really?
My local Mensa hosts a lot of fun events, the cost is minimal, and it replaces a social vacuum left by religious activities for me. A wide variety of people, most very nice, almost all pretty interesting. Also a pretty insular group of folks that doesn’t really ruffle any feathers, so I’ve always been a little unsure why Mensa gets such hate online.
Because it gives off a bit of an elitist vibe to require an IQ test for entry.
“I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.”
— Groucho