The proprietary driver? I went distro hopping, ended up trying four or five different ones. Some had the proprietary driver baked in, there were a couple of different processes for the installation for the others. The GPU wasn’t the only hardware compatibility issue I was juggling, so by the time I also had audio going and the right DE setup to support my display features I ended up manually installing them in Manjaro by just finding a guide and blindly following whatever they told me to do.
How are you going about getting the driver?
The proprietary driver? I went distro hopping, ended up trying four or five different ones. Some had the proprietary driver baked in, there were a couple of different processes for the installation for the others. The GPU wasn’t the only hardware compatibility issue I was juggling, so by the time I also had audio going and the right DE setup to support my display features I ended up manually installing them in Manjaro by just finding a guide and blindly following whatever they told me to do.