• bob_wiley@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    If you’re speaking of the consumer space, not severs, where Linux already won… Linux/Unix won in mobile (Android is Linux, iOS is Unix), or course both of these are a fry cry from what people talk about when they speak about Linux on the desktop.

    I think what most people see as the strength of Linux is also it’s weakness when it comes to mass market adoption. There are simply too many options and too much fragmentation for it to be viable for people who aren’t really into computers.

    Ubuntu came close to becoming the de facto standard for desktop Linux, but then kind of fell out of favor. I assume due to Unity and the whole Amazon ad non-sense which violated the trust of a lot of people, even though it could be removed, it showed poor judgement. Since then, I haven’t seen and distro push that hard to make it into the mainstream. Without a single distro that dominates the consumer space, the point where OEMs feel comfortable providing it as an option, I don’t see it happening.