It seems pretty clear that street-level imaging on OSM is pretty lacking, unless you only want to see highways.

I’m looking to start mapping street-level images for my city, but it seems like there are three players (integrated in the OSM editor), and I don’t know which to commit to:




My gut is to go with the one with the largest user base (Mapillary), but they are owned by Facebook and who knows what direction they will take in the future or what our images will actually be used for in the long-run.

Karta seems dead.

And Mapilio seems like a knock-off of Mapillary, but with a much smaller user base and an uncertain future.

Are any worth investing hundreds of hours of time to?

    1 year ago

    And keep in mind: it’s two evil companies BUT the images they’re hosting are all CC-BY-SA licensed. So you can do a bunch of things with them and none of those companies can/will stop you.

    I think this is different from the usual “big evil company bad, locking users in” mentality that we have around a lot of things like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc…

    Atleast here the ‘content’ is open and available to use.

    (I still think it’s good to have our own servers, fyi)