One of my first blog posts in a while, I go over Google’s recent web proposal, and point out exactly why it won’t turn out well. Hope y’all have fun with it.

    1 year ago

    Your opinion might not win any popularity contests here, but I’d have to agree that this is a natural consequence of the fact that people feel entitled to use online services for free, including not wanting to watch ads.

    Voluntary donations generally just won’t work well enough for it to be a viable option in many cases, so sites have more or less had to optimize content for ad generating ad views because that’s usually the only way they can stay afloat.

    Sure there’s some sites that get by with donations, voluntary payments or merch sales or whatever, but they’re the exception rather than the rule.

    I find it ironic when people eg. complain about clickbait headlines and at the same time refuse to pay for news. This idea that we have to get everything for “free” online has directly led to the enshittification we all know and love

        1 year ago

        Almost like I said there are exceptions but they are exceptions rather than the norm. How about let’s not get into the whole “aha gotcha” mentality and actually read what others are saying?

        I guess I have to spell this out: services that run purely off voluntary payment / donation do exist and I’m using one right now, but good luck running a business or even making ends meet with that model. It’s doable but rare and mostly non-profit.

        And no I’m not saying a profit motive is necessary, but you can’t expect people running internet services, or writing newspapers, or whatever, to do it for free and alongside their day job. Yes, again, some do, but it can be a ton of work and not everybody has the capacity for it, for one reason or another