On Telegram, malicious actors are selling all the tools needed to run a phishing scam, allowing aspiring cybercriminals to get started for just $230, according to cybersecurity startup Guardio.
I’m ok with the folks really in to Telegram managing these risks for themselves. They tend to be bootstrap pullers-upper-by so they shoule be just fine
I’m ok with the folks really in to Telegram managing these risks for themselves. They tend to be bootstrap pullers-upper-by so they shoule be just fine
Slow your schaudenfreude. Telegram isn’t just for MAGA chuds, its become the new source for breaking news and journalists after Musk gutted Twitter
Is for mega Chad us only. Quoras home for dwmocraptos
Hell, when you get hung in a rut, better lock them hubs in, kick it in 4 wheel son