• SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Was the business he worked for not an LLC…?


    You should seriously read up on what an llc actually protects you from, because your lack of knowledge could put you in a seriously disastrous scenario you thought you were protected from.

    Who the helm thinks a LLC protects them from everything…? The first term is literally LIMITED…… its not a full liability company lmfao.

    Main relevant bit for you

    In general, the tort participation theory is a legal principle that holds an owner of a company liable for the company’s torts (wrongful acts). This means that even if you are not the one who committed the tort, you can be held liable as an owner of the company.

    Not protected from illegal actions… huh…. The exact scenario you just presented… huh… look at that…

    • Saik0@lemmy.saik0.com
      6 months ago

      Read your own link please.

      Don’t ever talk again on the internet until you can actually recite the differences. You are acting like an LLC is a sole proprietorship. And you’re wholly wrong. Completely and utterly wrong.

      There’s only 2 cases where you will personally be liable in an LLC…

      1. Piercing the Corporate Veil, you treat the LLC as your personal sole proprietorship.
      2. Tort Participation Theory.

      #2 could in “theory” be applicable here. But luckily we already know that emulators are wholesale safe under the law. You should already know this since it’s been in response to your comments a few times now. DMCA clause 107. Since pulling your own keys off a device is categorically safe and even downloading the keys is safe… (Only distribution is prohibited by DMCA) Then Yuzu did nothing wrong. But since you completely missed these points I’m going to assume you didn’t even read your own damn source.

      But I suppose you already know this shit and are just trolling at this point. Since you can’t answer a single question that anyone actually asks you. Even the most basic shit of “And what LLC was Gary bowser operating under?” BTW the next question after you answered that would have been “What were the charges that actually got him in trouble”. At that point you would have realized that it had nothing to do with LLC operations, emulation, or anything nearly close to this topic. Mod chips != emulation. Nothing close to emulating a console which is completely legal per Sony Computer Entertainment America v. Bleem!

      Who the helm thinks a LLC protects them from everything…? The first term is literally LIMITED…… its not a full liability company lmfao.

      Wow… What an incredible showing of intelligence. Note that both of the above items (piercing the corporate veil and Tort participation) that can ruin your LLC ALSO HAPPEN IN “full liability company” (doesn’t exist). What nonsense.

      Edit: Also would like to point out the fact that you’ve still not answered ANY questions posed. You just throw out additional unrelated shit everytime someone shows you that you’re wrong. It’s tiring.

      • Lily9149@lemmy.sdf.org
        6 months ago

        Not to mention :
        Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. v. Cyberhead (2002)
        Bleem, LLC v. Sony (2001)
        Bleem, LLC v. Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc. (2000)
        Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. vs. Connectix Corporation (2000)
        Sega Enterprises Ltd. v. Accolade, Inc. (1992)
        Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. v. Nintendo of America, Inc. (1992)
        Atari Games Corp. v. Nintendo of America Inc. (1992)

      • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        I never said a full liability company existed, I was using that to show how stupid your asinine claim was that you can’t be held liable in an LLC, I see from your last comment you atleast kind of understand it, even though you won’t admit you were wrong originally. For some strange reason… why are you pretending you didn’t even know you could be liable as an LLC a comment ago…?

        Your comment

        And no. If your llc dies you don’t have to personally claim bankruptcy.

        As explained, there is situations, despite this asinine claim. Lmfao. If you company gets taking for 2.4 bil, how do you expect to pay that if you make 80k a year…? If you think I was saying you would always be liable, well that’s entirely on your ineptness that you’ve clearly shown this entire exchange.

        You can’t seriously be this inept can you? LLC is this magic thing that protects you from ALL liability… right…. Lmfao.

        • Saik0@lemmy.saik0.com
          6 months ago

          For some strange reason… why are you pretending you didn’t even know you could be liable as an LLC a comment ago…?

          I never made such a claim. Read the sentence. Read the context of the post. Emulation is not illegal, therefore no torte could be claimed. And short of them piercing the veil… There’s no liability. Why would Yuzu devs be individually liable and need to claim bankruptcy? Answer that question before you post anything else.

          If you company gets taking for 2.4 bil, how do you expect to pay that if you make 80k a year…?

          That’s the whole point. The company doesn’t. The company folds and walks away. There’s no point in fighting the lawsuit if there’s already nothing on the table to lose or gain. It’s not like Yuzu could counter sue and make money back for all the effort they’re going to not put into the emulator while going through the process.

          If you think I was saying you would always be liable, well that’s entirely on your ineptness that you’ve clearly shown this entire exchange.

          Nah that’s because that’s literally what you said. But you like going back and editing comments without making it known. I bring up how an LLC works as an idea of why folding my company would make sense. You bring up Gary Bowser like that relevant at all, with NO ties to the current conversation.

          You can’t seriously be this inept can you? LLC is this magic thing that protects you from ALL liability… right…. Lmfao.

          Considering I actually have one. Am successful. Have successfully defending IRS audits and lawsuits in the past, I’m going to say that I firmly understand what an LLC is and how to use it to protect you. I’ve never once claimed bankruptcy and have talked to lawyers about how it all works (and don’t have to retain them yearly!). I am highly suspicious that you have no fucking clue what an LLC actually is, nor can even understand how it’s relevant the discussion at hand.

          Let’s go back and pull all the questions you refused to answer.

          Why is Yuzu illegal? What part of Yuzu is any different than sony v bleem!?
          Where is the proof for “The key they used to make the base engine was ripped from online”?
          Where did Yuzu provide bios keys?
          How did Yuzu pirate code when the repo is a completely different programming language?
          How was that “stolen” code even relevant when it was regarding GUI modifications?
          Where is the evidence for any of this: “The dev provided the means in discord themselves, they also had a google drive with a ripped key, they also had files on discord of roms to test their gamesc which were acquired illegally.”
          What about the prod.keys is illegal?
          What does folding the company have to do with some implication of their actions being illegal when there’s plenty of alternate possibilities for why they want to shut down rather than fight Nintendo?

          Or any number of other questions you never addressed?

          Shit… I’ll add one more… What the fuck does Gary Bowser have to do with this thread at all? Yuzu != Gary and they’re not even doing remotely close to the same things.

          • msgraves@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            6 months ago

            This person clearly doesn’t understand what they are talking about, it’s just a clown show at this point.

            • Lily9149@lemmy.sdf.org
              6 months ago

              I just find it funny how even after countless people repeatedly asking him to show solid proof of Yuzu illegally distributing encryption keys the best he could come up with is some random ass user on Twitter saying the same bs claims without any proof; Twitter, a platform that’s totally not over 50% bot’s and a totally reputable source of information, just the peak of human intelligence over there 🙄.

                • Lily9149@lemmy.sdf.org
                  6 months ago

                  I’ve been digging into the thread using nitter and all I see is a few screenshots of allegedly “GoldenX86_64” talking some crap about a “stash” then further searching found more screenshots with conflicting information and saying unproven crap about Ryujinx. Notice how neither of them show user ID so it’s impossible to verify that either of them are the real GoldenX86_64, I can literally fake this shit myself using a private server.
                  More over, GoldenX86_64 wasn’t even a Yuzu team member despite the headliner claims, they were a 3rd party contributor and nothing more. How do I know this? Because their Github account is right here with all of its history. Literally, just use git log & git blame.
                  Also, I find it funny how nobody making these claims thought for a second to show any proof that these are the same person via user ID or other methods, when it took me less than 5 minutes to find the real GoldenX86_64’s personal email & legal name.
                  Lastly, using Wayback to view the now deleted source of these claims (which is suspect as hell), you’ll notice discrepancies such as “Files Owned by dysonshere.com” as well as many other mentions of dysonshere.com so… WHO IS DYSONSHERE ??, as you see can it was registered in 2022-12-31.
                  You expect me to believe that the devs were using this so-called “stash” for a project that started in 2013? When this “stash” was registered literally a little less than 10 years later? You can’t be fucking serious. 🤦🏽‍♀️
                  More over there’s no proof that Yuzu owned this domain either, therefore even if they used this “stash” which is unproven, the DMCA requires that Yuzu be the one facilitating distribution, therefore users and 3rd party contributors sharing a link on discord to a 3rd party “stash” doesn’t qualify. More over, it’s additionally important to note, that the use of ROMs for emulator testing doesn’t qualify as copyright infringement as the copyright content regardless if dumped from legitimate hardware with legal homebrew tools or otherwise isn’t included in the source. So as the DMCA requires them to be the distributors via the ROMs or via the source, which they don’t meet, they don’t qualify. The only legal stance that could possibly be stood on would be if they were using the SDK, which is again, unproven.

                  Oh, and one more thing. Why the fuck would the devs have PORN in their alleged “dev stash” ??

                  The math is just not mathing.

                  As per US law, Nintendo needs to prove beyond a responsible doubt that Yuzu infringed on their copyright. While all these allegation look bad, there are big gaping holes.
                  If this is all Nintendo had the case would no doubt go to Yuzu. Assuming they could possibly survive the court fees and multi year lawsuit(s) Nintendo is going to drag them though. It doesn’t matter anyway, it was settled out of court so in the end Yuzu still won and didn’t go bankrupt in the process, as the law stays unchanged and GPLv3 does it’s thing. 💾🔬👾👩🏽‍💻💡

                  • Saik0@lemmy.saik0.com
                    6 months ago

                    It never mathed up. This why i asked very simple questions and never got anything remotely close to an answer. Ultimately it comes down to one thing though… if Nintendo was 100% correct and yuzu was 100% wrong like this lunatic believes… wouldn’t they have never settled out of court and pursued complete and utter devastation of everyone related to yuzu just to set the court precedent alone? Nintendo didn’t. So…

              • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                I already said the stuff has been deleted from their servers.

                How do you expect to get solid proof…?

                And I’m not going to engage with an absolute moron that thinks they can’t be held personally liable as the owner of an LLC…… Even after giving them proof they want to ignore it and pretend they weren’t wrong…. That’s not someone who will ever willingly admit they were wrong, so there’s no point in engaging further.

                Even if I’m wrong, but there’s no proof they did anything right either here…. They are still completely wrong about not ever being able to be personally liable with a LLC…… the rest of what they said have lost all merit, defend the moron if you want. I gave them unequivocal proof they were wrong about something, they blew it off, I can do the same with this emulator BS and still wouldn’t belief it…………

                All they have done is continually move the goalposts and ignore anything against them, so fuck me for doing the same back. I’m not going to engage with a bunch of people blindly defending someone who didn’t even try to defend the product, when others did with zero funds. It’s hilarious, they wanted their money and to run, and you guys are defending them for doing it. AWWWHHHH

                You also seem to be ignoring the big part where it says an llc or its owner can be liable for its companies actions…. Or the actions yuzu did… you guys are claiming he didn’t do it, so it’s not wrong…. Uhh… he’s personally responsible for anything his company he operated did…… this is the part you guys can’t fucking figure out lmfao. It was also literally spelt out for you morons multiple fucking times. “It wasn’t him” doesn’t fucking matter… his company did it…. He fucked up even if he didn’t! Fucking hell lmfao, you guys have no idea how businesses operate or how they can be exposed.

                Also, nice alt account lmfao.

                • Lily9149@lemmy.sdf.org
                  6 months ago

                  You clearly don’t understand US copyright law, that’s the problem here. This argument is ultimately pointless, Nintendo trying to force Japanese copyright law on the US will be a never ending battle. GPLv3 makes it live on, just how GPLv3 makes Revanced live on. It’ll never stop.

                  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.world
                    6 months ago

                    And yet again the goalposts get moved instead of addressing anything…. What a fucking shocker….

                    Why is this suddenly about “US” copyright? Nothing about the US has been mentioned until now, and where was Yuzu based anyways….