I’m looking for a programming language that can help me build a desktop application for Windows, macOS, and Linux that’s not big but not small either. Additionally, I’d like to be able to build a website with the same language. I’ve been considering Ruby, Python, Golang and JavaScript. Python seems to be mainly used for scripting and ai, so I’m not sure if it’s the best fit. JavaScript has a lot of negative opinions surrounding it, while Ruby sounds interesting. Can anyone recommend a language that meets my requirements?

  • FizzyOrange@programming.dev
    3 months ago

    You’re talking about rails.

    Maybe other Ruby code is better, but people always say Rails is the killer app of Ruby so…

    Use an IDE like I said and you can literally just “Find all usages” or “Jump to declaration”, etc.

    That only works if you have static type annotations, which seems to be very rare in the Ruby world.

    In any case, you shouldn’t be using any of these for large projects like gitlab, so it’s completely inconsequential.

    Well, I agree you shouldn’t use Ruby for large projects like Gitlab. But why use it for anything?

    • tyler@programming.dev
      3 months ago

      Maybe other Ruby code is better, but people always say Rails is the killer app of Ruby so…

      I’ve literally never heard anyone say that…

      That only works if you have static type annotations, which seems to be very rare in the Ruby world.

      no. it literally works for any ruby code in any project. you do not need static type annotations at all. I can tell you’ve literally never even tried this…

      Well, I agree you shouldn’t use Ruby for large projects like Gitlab. But why use it for anything?

      because it’s a fantastic scripting language with a runtime that is available on almost every platform on the planet by default (yes most linux distributions include it, compared to something like python which is hardly ever included and if it is it’s 2.x instead of 3.x). It’s also much more readable than bash, python, javascript, etc. so writing a readable (and runnable everywhere) script is dead simple. Writing CLIs with it is also dead simple, while I think Python has a few better libraries for this like Click, Ruby is much more portable than Python (this isn’t my opinion, this is experience from shipping both ruby and python clis for years).

      • FizzyOrange@programming.dev
        3 months ago

        I’ve literally never heard anyone say that

        Well you didn’t listen then. Google the phrase.

        I can tell you’ve literally never even tried this…

        I do not need to try it to know that this is fundamental impossible. But I will try it because you can go some way towards proper type knowledge without explicit annotations (e.g. Pycharm can do this for Python) and it’s better than nothing (but still not as good as actual type annotations).

        It’s also much more readable than bash, python, javascript, etc. so writing a readable (and runnable everywhere)

        Bash definitely. Not sure I’d agree for Python though. That’s extremely readable.

        • tyler@programming.dev
          3 months ago

          Jump to declarations or usages has absolutely nothing to do with types so I have no clue why you think type annotations to make jump to useful.

          • FizzyOrange@programming.dev
            3 months ago

            Oh really? How would an IDE go-to-definition on x.bar in this code?

            def foo(x):
              return x.bar

            Best it can do is heuristics and guesswork.

            • tyler@programming.dev
              3 months ago

              By using the AST? Do you really not know how languages work? I mean seriously, this is incredibly basic stuff. You don’t need to know the type to jump to the ast node location. Do you think that formatters for dynamic languages need to know the type in order to format them properly? Then why in the world would you need it to know where to jump to in a type definition!?!

              Edit: also in the case of Ruby, the entire thing runs on a VM which used to be YARV but I think might have changed recently. So there’s literally bytecode providing all the information needed to run it. I highly recommend reading a book about how the Ruby internals work since you seem to think you understand but it’s quite clear you don’t, or for some reason think “jump to” is this magical thing that requires types.