Could this be a cautionary tale for another recently turned VR-maker tech giant?

  • As an OOOOLD geek who has listened to the promise of VR for decades, it’s AR I’m excited about. Give me lightweight glasses that provide an overlay to interact with either everything or even only specific things and I am so there.

    I don’t mean something like Google Glass, I mean more like an affordable, compact Hololens. (and I hate MS, but damn Hololens is cool)

    Edit: I probably used a couple too many 'O’s there. I’m OOLD, not OOOOLD yet. ;-)

      1 year ago

      Had the opportunity to try out and develop for the hololens 2. I don’t dig it at all. It’s still big, has a tiny field of view, and when I compare it to VR, it’s so much less immersive. Not that it’s not impressive technology - it totally is. The best IMO would probably be a mix of both - high FOV, direct, no-camera passthrough that can be blacked out on demand. Meanwhile, VR is king, although a bit of a niche because of all the setup, required room etc.