Just a dude working on viv, a Jellyfin Roku client while listening to punk records & watching horror movies.
Mastodon: https://social.linux.pizza/@tgpo/
Github: https://github.com/1hitsong/
viv on Roku Channel Store: https://channelstore.roku.com/en-ca/details/80d6198927c29fe1a562d4400a712c63/viv
When do I get the khakis?
They want money?!?!?
I thought they did it all for the nookie. 🤔
Do I get to drink from the firehose?
This one is awful! Batman’s head is so tiny. Compare his head to the size of his feet and legs. The proportions are so awful they make me feel uncomfortable looking at it.
His thighs and boots feel like the episode of Doug when we got “cool” shoes. https://doug.fandom.com/wiki/Doug’s_Cool_Shoes
Locking due to topic being against community standards.
Do not engage in, encourage, facilitate or discuss piracy in any Jellyfin communities. Jellyfin is a media server system for your own media collection; how you obtain media is not our concern and is not to be discussed in our communities in any form. Do not ask about where or how to obtain media, do not ask about, sell, trade, or otherwise facilitate access to other users’ servers or discuss any piracy related topics. This includes discussing technologies commonly used for piracy and personal philosophies about it, in our communities. Please also refrain from discussing any topic that is closely related to piracy or accompanying topics and technology.
Yep. That code was merged and released roughly 2 years ago.
Because I wanted to listen to music while doing the dishes.
The Jellyfin Roku client didn’t support audio playback, so I wrote it myself… while learning Roku’s proprietary language 🙄
And don’t eat
Too too too much fried fooooood
Looks and sounds cool.
FYI, you may need to change the logo. I didn’t think 3rd party tools are allowed to use the official logo, but someone who knows more about that will need to weigh in.
I use the Roku and web client with subtitles regularly and haven’t experienced any issues.
Have bug reports been opened for the clients you and your users are having issues with?
Oh yeah? You got a place down there in New Orleans?
🤘 33.6% here
🤘 You’re good. I’d also suggest posting to the forum. There’s an entire troubleshooting team for stuff like this.
If I remember correctly, there was an issue that was/is being worked on, but it wouldn’t get resolved until after the 10.9 feature cutoff date.
We didn’t want to delay the 10.9 release to wait on it knowing 10.10 will be a fast follow.
There’s a pinned announcement post that I made yesterday. It should be at the top.
I’ve always followed the rule of 1 car length for every 10 miles per hour you’re going.