ControlNet’s from this (reference, openpose, depth_leres++)
I’m very inactive here.
Hi, I’m Abel, an autistic trans brazilian compsci student.
Hobbies: TTRPGs, board games, literature, AI artwork.
ControlNet’s from this (reference, openpose, depth_leres++)
easier Stable Diffusion setup
pro tip
I’m not in the US
even if I was it’s my right to find political debate in the internet something not worth getting into
Honestly I still discuss online but it’s very rare. Mostly with teenagers since they are usually more open.
There is a problem of even where to confront with reason. Most of the time you hinder more than you help on mainstream social media, because more comments on a post will boost it on the algorithm and distribute the original poster’s message further while they remain wilfully ignorant.
I did that for years. Many years. It burned me out and made me much more of a thin-skinned and intolerant person with those around me in real life.
I love places where they willingly come to redeem themselves (like r/IncelExit) but otherwise I just stray very, very far. It took a heavy toll on my mind.
It is a noble thing but one that shouldn’t be required of most users.
This is so awful it’s funny. You’ve truly mastered the spirit of a dad joke.
I’m running a 3060 with 12 GB VRAM on a 2014 rig. Can confirm it works well, the only sad part is the random all-computer crashes sometimes.