Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 1st, 2023


  • First of all, your comment is pretty ableist.

    Second of all, these two distinct meanings you’re seeing aren’t so distinct, so I don’t at all think it’s a misunderstanding.

    For an example that sits right between the two meanings you see as distinct, we can look at my struggle to finish my PhD. I should have quit 4 years ago with a master’s. I’d be in a much better spot economically, mentally, emotionally, basically in every way that matters. Sure, finishing my PhD was not as bad as staying in an abusive relationship or smoking a ton or partying way too hard way too often, but it’s closer to that than someone who believes “quitters never win” would like to admit. There are lots of times when it’s a way better idea to just quit while you’re ahead and do something more worthwhile that will actually make your life better rather than stick with something awful just because you don’t want to be a loser and quit.

  • support some form of ranked voting in your state next time

    Serious question: how do you suggest I do this? The “vote for Biden” people say this a lot, and like, I agree, ranked choice voting would be far preferable to our current electoral system. I’d like this change to happen. So how can we make it happen? What is the plan for after the election to get ranked voting before the next one? So far as I can tell, none of the politicians in my state (or any state, really) have tried to implement ranked choice and there aren’t any ballot initiatives that aim towards it. So what do you see as the way forward here? How do we get ranked choice voting to become a reality before the next time we’re faced with a choice between two absolutely unacceptable presidential candidates?

  • But what if we grow? What if more people pirate?

    Good. Unlimited piracy on media and software corporations.

    I’m a communist first and foremost. Private property is wrong in all its forms, this wrongness is just most obvious when talking about intellectual property, because intellectual property can be easily copied and isn’t something physical like the tools in a factory. Of course corporations will always try to clamp down on piracy, they’ve been trying to do so my entire adult life. It doesn’t really matter how many pirates there are, because corporations don’t just want money, they want all the money. If even one person pirates, corporations will try to make piracy difficult.

    I guess I fundamentally disagree with your statement that “The world can handle a stable population of pirates.” I don’t think that’s a meaningful statement. It’s not like there’s some “carrying capacity” for piracy after which point the intellectual property ecosystem will tip out of equilibrium and cause pirates to become an endangered species.

  • I love lemmy, having been here since the very earliest hexbear days. In my view, the devs are doing the best they can. They’re a tiny team surviving on grants, trying to produce software that the users, for some reason, expect to have feature parity with reddit, a large corporation with a large paid dev team. It’s weird to say the least.

    My understanding is that nutomic and dessalines survive solely on that 4000 euros per month, because all of their time goes to lemmy. How do you want them to survive? They need to eat and pay rent, you know. The real world exists and they’re humans in it, needing food and sleep and shelter.

    It seems to me you want magic. You don’t want the lemmy devs to be humans, you want them to be magic coder gods who are infinitely patient, with boundless time and energy. But that’s completely unrealistic, you surely must see that, right?

  • what, on the surface, is a pretty trivial ask

    I don’t think having my real life phone number tied to a website or game account is a trivial ask. I’d like my data to be private, especially something as real-life and tangible as a fucking phone number. Sure, there are ways around these things, you can get a fake phone number for cheap (or possibly even free), but that’s rather more effort than I’m willing to put in for most things. If I need to enter a phone number to sign up for an account for something, chances are very extremely good I’ll just decide I don’t need the account that badly. I don’t think I’m alone in this.

  • Sounds like you’ve gotten good answers about your formatting question. For the steam proton question, the answer is that yes, steam installs it automatically. You might have to mess with the proton version for specific games, so check for your game if it doesn’t work immediately.

    Congrats on trying out Linux! I hope you enjoy it! I’ve never used Mint myself (I don’t like ubuntu-type package management), nor the Cinnamon desktop (although I’ve heard good things), but that’s part of the beauty of linux, there’s so much to try! Mint is definitely a good starter distro, but if you find you enjoy messing around with it, you might consider a bit of distro-hopping.

  • Wait, you think hexbear “gives little regard to class consciousness or worker solidarity”? You think we’re only claiming to be socialist? You think we have a “pathological obsession with identity politics”? I would disagree about all of the above, honestly. I will grant you that I’m not a big fan of patriotism, because I live in the imperial core, and there is nothing good about america. Also, could you give me an example of what “lumpen behavior” you think we’re defending?

    I just realized, I have no desire to get in Yet Another Internet Argument. Please do not answer the above questions unless you really, really want to for some reason. Thanks for explaining your thinking, I very much disagree with you, but that’s ok! This is a 2 day old thread at this point and I’m trying to be less of an argumentative butthole online, so I’ll just say, I hope you have a great day!