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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • If I miss a part on commentary, I lose out on the video explanation. If I miss part of the movie, why the hell are these people trying to kill each other. Different levels of impact where rewinding just a few minutes and not going back to the beginning for exposition and reparsing it all back together.

  • In college I had support to do something very similar to engineers without borders just under a different name but in conjunction with the program. They required a certain donation level to ensure that the work we did had the needed materials paid for and could compensate the local workers involved. That’s what I was told. I wasn’t auditing anything but it seemed above board. I was able to engage with doctors without borders members while there. All were committed to the cause. Many were from the same part of the world if not “state/province” and giving back after they were able to make more money elsewhere. Just about all were hardcore. We have 5000 to treat in 7 days type of hardcore. Bedside manner wasn’t what you’d expect in the US, but it was about helping as many people as you could as effectively as you could. Truly eye opening though. I can’t say anything about the organization, but the people who were first hand there either gathered the donations or donated themselves and went there to make a difference. I respect the hell out of those people.

  • My way of thinking is to think of a globe and unzip from the south and north pole all the way to the equator. This needs to happen at nearly infinite points to turn it into an undistorted 2D image. Because the poles start on opposite ends of the world with a distinct point, the further away you get from them, the more these sections grow as they near the equator and shrink as they get closer to ther opposite pole. That’s how with limited lines, “sharp ovals” are created from unzipping this globe. The issue is that you will have massive gaps at the poles because you turned a single point into the unrolled width of the equator. A 2D map attempts to distort the poles into a map with no gaps but must still compensate for the massive expansion in areas near the equator. The very common world atlas with a mostly ovular shape with the widest side following the equater is one attempt of showing the distortion. The many ways of compensating for this unzipping and then removing blank spaces is to distort different latitudes in different ways. It can easily result in over representing landmass near poles which consequently underrepresents land near the equator. The best way to combat this distortion (in my experience) is to limit the focus to such a small area that turning it flat leads to negligible curve affect. That won’t work for a globe so go 3D unfortunately. I’m not an expert, but I do have upper education in a related field that works with 3D models.