There’s just a greasy space.
There’s just a greasy space.
I deleted that dumpster fire the minute old Space Karen bought it. I wasn’t tweeting but I used it to read some people. But I’m ok to give that up to never ever support what fuckface does.
I’m in this photo and I don’t like it.
I always have two phones going, one I’m playing a world building game on, the other just whatever. Sometimes while watching TV on my tablet. It’s very much not healthy but it’s the only thing preventing me from weeping because things are bad.
I could just kiss you.
Thriller utterly terrified me as a child.
It was just weird in the 80s. A very very different era.
I once asked my ex husband “does it have Scweppevescence” (it was a tag line in a ginger ale commercial), and told my current husband that I had figured out the tile problem.
I was the same way when I visited smoking family, I’d strip at the door and hit the shower when I got home.
Mopping the walls, my God.
What was this car again? I remember this.
Somewhere on Facebook.
Remember how everything smelled like cigarettes? Like that was the smell of the 80s.
I was thinking the other day about how in my 80s childhood that we were taught to avoid “dirty old men”. Like nobody did anything about men preying on children, they just told you to avoid them. We had a neighbour growing up who had lost his teaching job for exposing himself to his students, and he also exposed himself to several other people in the neighbourhood, and did a lot of other creepy antisocial things (like abduct my cat and dump her outside of town, or put a sandwich bag over her head), and yet I was sent to piano lessons with his wife, where sometimes he would wander into the room in his underwear. If that was someone today he’d be on a sex offender list and in jail, but my parents thought it would be rude not to send me there for lessons.
We also had a guy who roamed around naked in the woodlot behind the grade school. I thought it was an urban legend and then I saw him myself one day when I was crossing the bridge overhead.
Why is anyone still bothering with Reddit aside from search result necessity?
This is from the Trailer Park Boys show, it’s the character Philadelphia Collins…