• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I noticed today searching that the date search no longer seems to work right. There are some terms that only appeared since 2020 and up until my recent attempts those terms produced no results on DDG when date constrained but now produce terms in articles clearly after that date. I don’t know if this is some personalisation nonsense or always pulling but results if the constraints don’t match or what but its seriously problematic and means I can’t trust the date constraints anymore.

  • The law comes in two parts, the actual written bit that says what it is and the enforcement. Most people consider the first part what is necessary and lobby hard for it but really the most important bit in a practical sense is how it gets applied and enforced, without which the law is worthless. In many countries one way to defang laws is simply underfund the legal system or quangos that do the enforcement, another is putting someone in charge at the attornies office who de-prioritises those cases. The law as written isn’t worth the paper/bytes its written on unless there is a plan for enforcement that doesn’t involve every poor person using the rich mans legal system against giant corporations with infinite defence money.

  • There are capitalist elements. The Picard family still owns a farm and farm house and pass it down generations. There is still some concept of money being used by humans who are pursing payments for rare and stolen goods. Most of what we see around Starfleet is merit driven people working in starfleet out of self interest but the ships appear to be owned by Starfleet and they seem to have some democractic structure. Since most basic needs are met via replicators it seems they are post scarcity and trips to the doctors seem free but is not really socialism in the sense of people owning the means of production, there doesn’t seem to be much of anything said about how these ships get built and the implication is its a lot of automation but there seem to be a lot of facilities on Earth with people in them like Starfleet academy and in bars. We have no idea how factories work in this world other than on other planets and people work in them.

    I don’t think its brilliantly clear, there are a mix of ideologies on display and what makes it hang together is the humans are all behaving well, which isn’t very human nature like at all. People don’t seem to own what they are working with in all cases but they do in some of the smaller settlements so its a bit of a mix dependent on circumstances.

  • Its bad releasing a product that is faulty, it always has an impact. But if the company spends a year trying to hide the fact it is fault, fails to recall and replace and ultimately acts in a dishonest way they will get sued in the future and the hit to their reputation will be much larger. Mistakes are made its how a company handles them that defines how bad the outcome will be on future sales and Intel is failing this test in a big way.

  • It really depends on the project. Some of them take breaking changes seriously and don’t do them and auto migrate and others will throw them out on “minor” number releases and there might be a lot of breaking changes but you only run into one that impacts you occasionally. I typically don’t want containers that are going to be a lot of work to keep up to date so I jettison projects that have unreliable releases for whatever reason and if they put out a breaking change its a good time to re evaluate whether I want that container at all and look at alternatives.

    So no its not safe, but depending on the project it actually can be.

  • This is having big real world consequences. In Long Covid research there has been a tonne of near duplication of work and its apparent none of the work is really building on prior work as the sheer volume of papers is impossible to keep up with. Most of its unremarkable in the sense it hasn’t moved further than findings on ME/CFS from decades prior, so much of the work is too shallow to be of use.

    Then the other side of this is the psychology side of things which has been publishing some grade A nonsense and none of the findings hold up to any scrutiny once a replication is attempted.

    There there is all the widespread fraud where medical images have been fabricated in various ways, the data often shows clear signs of fabrication as well.

    Its a real mess and its harming real people who need this research to inform proper treatments.

  • When I look at how much Nigel Farage has been platformed in the UK the press helped manufacture the consent for Brexit and the big far right swing that is coming with it. What were quite isolated social media views have become very mainstream and on the TV all the time. Society is now quite open about a lot of far right talking points. Social media is a part of the media landscape but it didn’t make the far right figures popular that was all the traditional presses doing.

    Even now they cover and platform Nigel Farage about 100x as much as they do any Green candidate, and yet the Greens hold more MP and council seats. Same with the Lib Dems who are bigger than Reform and yet the press is constantly platforming Reform. Its hard to look at traditional media and see anything but a big swing to the right in the last decade and they have led every step of the way.