• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Yeah, it seems to escape far too many people that him being a Nazi doesn’t suddenly make gay bashing ok.

    Ridicule him for being a hypocrite? Sure. Call him a piece of shit or even punch him for being a Nazi? Abso-fucking-lutely!

    Berate him for being gay, or perpetuate the idea that all homophobes are really just closeted gays though? Not fucking ok.

    Not because of his feelings, but because of all of the gay people, closeted or otherwise, who see people still using gay as an insult or thinking that most/all those who abuse gay people are actually gay themselves (a twisted form of victim blaming), and realise that it isn’t just Nazis who are hypocrites, but so called allies, too.

    Don’t use bigotry* to fight bigots, it shouldn’t need saying…

    *And no, calling someone a Nazi, or a TERF, or cis, or white, isn’t bigotry. Basically don’t punch down, which again, shouldn’t need saying.

  • Here from /all, don’t own a 3D printer, but if I did, yes I absolutely would lol

    Maybe change it up with some more modern/abstract/famous faces though, the Greek statue look would get old fast… But planters are so expensive for what they are, being able to print my own would really feed my failed plant addiction (I’m no good at actually keeping them alive but I can’t stop buying more) 😂

  • I also understand why men are insulted.

    It is literally the rage they express when rejected that is WHY we would be more scared to run in to one in the woods than we would a bear.

    The fact that they’re getting “insulted” at all, derailing the entire conversation and making it about them and how they are really the victims, is more proof that they don’t give a shit about the actual experiences of violence and abuse that we are subjected to by them, only about their own egos.

    Literally all they have to do is fucking listen, they are not the ones being harmed in any way shape or form (the reputation of men is already in the shit and it won’t improve unless they work to improve it amongst themselves, but if anything, their reactions are only making it worse), and them being able to frame and prioritise themselves as the ones being being harmed (by ignoring or minimising the legitimate fears and traumatic experiences of millions of women) is just another of many demonstrations of just how privileged they are.

    You’re wrong.

  • Nowhere is the paradox of tolerance more dangerous than around “ableism” issues

    JFC, so just say you’re an enthusiastic ableist… You honestly don’t deserve any attention beyond that point, but since I’m here, and you’re full of shit, I’ll give it a quick note in case anyone actually buys in to your bad bad take:

    The rightfully tolerant protector of the less able does not argue against the Nazi arguing he should be able to punch people without repercussions, they punch the Nazi until he shuts up and go back to equity for everyone else with a clean conscience.

    No where do I even imply anything near “don’t punch a Nazi”, what I’m literally saying is “don’t make fun of people for wearing diapers” and “criticise nazis for their nazi actions, not for what they wear”
    According to you we should go around making fun of everyone who wears diapers because you can’t think of a better way to tell them apart from fucking Nazis., and also are unable to think of better things to criticise them for, than wearing said diaper.

    You’re a pathetic ableist joke who clearly cares more about their “right” to abuse disabled people than their duty to do anything against nazis. You’re literally playing their game for them - shifting focus away from them being fascist, right in to the ableist jokes you just find too funny to not participate in, to the point of making the exact same kinds of excuses they do.

    Congratulations, you’re on the wrong side, no matter what nonsense you tell yourself to feel better.

  • But we’re not the ones making that noise.

    It was shared for the sole purpose of ridicule. Have you seen some of these fucking comments?? How about instead of getting defensive (and invoking his mockery of disabled people in your defence of… mocking disabled people, who you may not intend to mock, but who you do when you ridicule and stigmatise things they use), just, you know, don’t make fun of medical aids and people who use them, and attack fascists on the grounds of their fucking fascism instead???