just because Wine project doesn’t want to deal with bugs potentially introduced by the Bottles dev.
If you have issue with Bottles, you don’t immediately go to the Wine bug tracker. If you have issue with packaged Bottles, you immediately go to the Bottles bug tracker. There is clearly a big difference.
The uncomfortable truth is that a lot of people will straight up lie just to “improve the image” of Linux. I’ve been using Linux for about 8 years now and I wouldn’t say that “it’s perfect now” or “everything just works”. No. Absolutely not. I play a lot of co-op games with friends and there are issues all the time. EA launcher taking YEARS to start, so my friend starts the game and waits, waits, waits… for me. Sometimes in-game audio decides to just stop working and I have to restart the game. And don’t even get me started on the fear “if I alt-tab right now, will the game work? will it crash? will i get a black screen when I go back?”. There are issues, nitpicks, bugs. The experience is the absolute opposite of “just works”. And this comes from someone who absolutely loves open source software and Linux. There was a time where I did a lot of that “Linux shilling” too. I recommended Linux to everyone, asked my friends if they wanted to switch, told them that it’s absolutely fine nowaydays. But I stopped, because I realized that it’s a lie. I know they’d be going through the same issues that I have, and more. And if you’re not an actual Linux enthusiast that cares about the stuff that Linux stands for, you won’t be happy with it.