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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Firemyth@lemm.eetoMeta (lemm.ee)@lemm.eeHexbear federation megathread
    1 year ago

    See there’s a few actually relevant points there.

    i brought up military as a single way to change your lot in life. there are plenty of others, i even mentioned as much in the original post. Is it perfect? Nope- is it a viable avenue? yep. Is it morally right- meh. Your views rely on the thought that what is morally right is how things should go- at the same time you try to say your ideology isn’t based on morals but materialistic and critical evaluation of how things actually are… while completely disregarding the reality of how things actually are and instead focus on what is morally the correct way to approach things… it’s mindboggling to see the dissonance.

    You are right that I disagree with the ideal and tenants of communism/marxism at a base level- those are great ideas that never can be realized as people aren’t going to abide by the concepts in reality. Someone will always attempt to manipulate the system through avarice, laziness, whatever. So working for the appropriate value won’t ever actually work. On top of that - people are going to always disagree on what a particular unit of work is valued at. There is no way to make a unit of work equal a particular value- doing so results in experts in their craft being paid the same as novices in their craft. This also results in no one being able to own anything unless you built it yourself from the materials you produced yourself.

    Going your route will simply result in mediocrity everywhere and everyone not getting enough of what they need. You ultimately wind up right back in the same situation with some slob running things and taking more than his fair share and simply writing a tenet or law up to cover his butt.

    as to the last half of your comment. what you said is absolutely saying everyone has to go kill civilians for their free education. Did you mean to say that? maybe not- but it’s what you said. So to that i’ll just say you should probably say what you mean rather than relying on the insane rhetoric that it actually is. We don’t all live in lemmygrad/hexbear/comradeship and we don’t know the inner talking points you guys have spun up. Nor do we want to. Because traditionally you aren’t in here for real discussion but for the lulz and memes and to own the west/imperials/bourgeoise

  • Firemyth@lemm.eetoMeta (lemm.ee)@lemm.eeHexbear federation megathread
    1 year ago

    oh man no you have it all wrong humans are good and you’re just intellectually lazy. we can all just get along. read this book by that guy. don’t think about how it’s never actually happened just believe that it can. oh let me get my comrades to come make insane nonsense and be insulting. look at al the upvoted i have. i’ basically live in a community of like minded people that all just sit around wanking each other off to fantasy. it’s great. join us.

  • Ok. I mean I personally believe with application of reforms and laws you can incrementally get things better. And it’s more about fighting corruption than trusting in the integrity of humanity.

    But hey sure if thats your take away. Probably would have saved a lot of time by not going through all those insane hoops and just starting here right? Almost like half thought analogies and pure rhetoric isn’t an effective arguing tactic.

    I mean I really haven’t taken you seriously from the start for the previously mentioned reasons so I’m glad youve come an understanding of some sort at last.

  • Firemyth@lemm.eetoMeta (lemm.ee)@lemm.eeHexbear federation megathread
    1 year ago

    Yeah of courze.it doesn’t matter that less than 10% of us military personnel have ever seen any form of combat- giving you a 90% chance you’ll never fire a weapon outside of a range… of course joining means you get to go kill civilians.

    Bro- you wandered in to a tangent about how people arent slaves and can make choices to a guy equating that to shooting civilians.

    Lol of course I don’t respect you. Nor do I feel the need to point counter point with you. Get bent.

    insert further unsourced, undocumented counter rhetoric to previous argument

  • Well that civility was short lived…

    No, you.

    You are lazy for not looking at how humans have worked since the dawn of time

    You are lazy for thinking you’ve given some actionable plan when you’ve literally done nothing more than “can’t we all just get along.” Saying just give houses to the needy is stupid. Noone is ever going to do that. Petition governments to provide increased housing- sure. Create an initiative to build homes for free- great I’m all for you doing that. Do x thing that helps: sure. You do that. Telling people you need to just give up your stuff and return to monke- not a solution.

    You are… lazy.

    Worse- you think you are smart because you read a book on Marx and try to use ridiculously unnecessary words.

    Why use an extraneous amount of verbiage and syllables when a diminutive amount suffices?

    Pseudo intellectual is the worst kind of intellect .

  • Akshually, I’d have to charge for maintenance, property taxes, pest control, property manager fees etc. But yeah I COULD do that

    Yeah I’m renting the place out- yeah because I own it and don’t live there anymore I came up with a better idea. Sure I could just sell it I suppose- but I’m just gonna go reinvest that money elsewhere and you’ll have an equal problem with that.

    That’s not my goal. Never said it was. I’m building wealth for myself and family. I don’t plan to work forever and this is my way to retirement.

    Not a saint- never claimed it. I have some news for you- you aren’t either. Else you’d be at a food kitchen feeding the hungry. Or working the local shelter. Or even better providing your place as a shelter. But man oh man am I willing to bet you aren’t housing anyone for free either.

    Embrace what you are rather than trying and failing to claim some moral high ground and simultaneously proclaiming your ideology isn’t about morals.

  • I believed in a perfect world everyone should have everything they need. I also believe we do not live in a perfect world.

    Do I believe the current system is broken? Yes. Do I believe reform would work? Yes. Do I believe I’ve seen any kind of plan or actionable theory of how to change it? No.

    Do I believe empty houses while people are homeless is wrong? Morally, yes. Realistically- not my fault and not my problem. Can’t fix that but I can do what I am doing.

    Ideally yes governments and economies would serve humanity- again we don’t live in an ideal world and the human condition will always prevent that.

    We probably won’t get anywhere because:

    I also believe that if these things were to be done it would involve the government- not me- providing these things. In this ideal situation I would also be allowed to buy property(or whatever thing) and rent it to those who can’t afford it themselves. This means more taxes and excluding lobbying, gerrymandering, corruption in general. I believe every system fails to corruption because that’s just the human condition.

    Yes that’s sort of what happened when ussr collapsed- not entirely. A lot of the apartments went to the current residents… like alot alot. There’s a reason I know this. However what you mentioned also happened. And it sucks. It’s not fair. But there’s no way to be fair about it. Now the legitimate (uncontested) government has control of things and that’s just where we go from now. Going back through history is pointless.

    I also disagree that shouting at people is effective. Especially when you appear to be shouting x when you really mean y.

    I’m much more willing to listen to someone who lays out a well constructed argument rather than some rhetoric that on its own makes no sense.

  • Oh man you got me. Yeah I do charge more than my mortgage… I mean any amount is greater than 0… so oof yeah… you totally got me.

    I totally mark up rent too- definitely. Have done it 0 times. Man. Got me there too.

    I’m horrible for making my rent a couple hundred below market value too. Oowee.

    I did happen to read rich dad poor dad. It’s does have some solid advice on pretty basic principles of building wealth and avoiding debt. Oh man so bad of me.

    Tell me more about myself mystic of the commune.