• 84 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2023


  • Makes me think: this could be turned into a profitable new “sport”. I’m imaging something like a boxing ring, where a Boeing whistleblower and a Boeing MBA fight it out in public. Could be pitched as quasi-legit, like boxing, or maybe something along the lines of “professional” wrestling. Tag teams, outrageous costumes, stories of insult (“the MBA shot my teamie in his pickup truck!”, “this 'blower reduced dividends by $0.50/share!”) and revenge. I don’t follow fighting sports so maybe you guys could figure out something that would sell well in 2024+. You’d want betting of course, not sure if you could legally do that in IL or WA, might need to move Boeing HQ to Las Vegas. All profits would go to buying Boeing a new management and towards class-action lawsuit costs.

  • Northern ID is a cultural shit-hole. The original home of the American Nazi, now occupied by racists, Jew-haters, Xian nationalists, and other hate-cults, and of course by American Nazis still. Oh and it’s been discovered by the wealthy elite and sold to them as a get-away where they can sit by the lake, recuperate from their hard labors of screwing the masses, network, and write checks to the Fascist orgs that exist to serve them (ex. Trump cult). N. ID can’t even keep their local state colleges functioning and accredited, but don’t worry, the CdA-area airports are in good shape and bustling with corpo jets, you’ll have no problems landing yours there.

  • blood-letting and incantations

    Won’t work for me. My illnesses are always due to possession by evil demons. Isn’t this true for all patients? I read, today I think, that the UK royals subscribe to some kind of “chemo” nonsense to banish the cancer demons. I guess we know who didn’t have the benefit of an Indiana college education.

    Also, imagine you’re

    • an American history prof who, assuming you’re allowed to teach about slavery at all, has to give class time to “diverse” opinions as to whether slavery was actually a Good Thing for the slaves, that slaves were actually a happy, healthy, grateful bunch.
    • a physics or astronomy prof who has to teach “diverse” theories about how the universe was magic’d into existence just a few thousand years ago.
    • a chemistry, geology, ecology, or atmospheric science prof who has to give credence, in class or via grades, to “diverse” viewpoints denying any connection between burning fossil fuels and anthropogenic global warming, not that the latter is a Real Thing, of course, I diversely protest!

    I do wonder if Indiana religion-aligned “higher-ed” (either schools teaching religion only, or teaching a general curriculum and just aligned with some particular religious sect) faculty will have to welcome students who present “diverse” viewpoints regarding religious truths - viewpoints like atheism or (gasp) satanism or Native spiritualities or “Christian Science” or occultism or ancient Greek/Roman beliefs, to name a few. Probably not, eh?

  • Divine rage.

    I worked a breakfast grill at a restaurant as a teen and got pretty good at it. I’ll make that kid the most perfect breakfast omelette they’ve ever eaten. And I’ll bring the ingredients if we’re short.

    Also worked @a food pantry not long ago, warehouse work mostly but I got to see some of the parents and kids who showed up, long lines out into the northern cold, every day we were open, just to get a day or two’s worth of something to eat.

    Anyone who would means-test a kid out of a free school meal, or deny them altogether, is some kind of sociopath monster.

  • Just learn to code

    Those who can code, these days, are increasingly fearful about their own job prospects. Between large-scale layoffs at tech employers and the rapidly-increasing scope of tech work that “AI” can do (or at least assist with), coding, it’s becoming clear, is just another type of labor that’s about to be automated into a niche occupation. And tech companies are gleeful at the prospects … got 1000 programmers paid $200K/yr+benefits? We can do something about that - just buy our Developer As A Service plan, with low, low usage-based pricing! You can cut headcount down to just 100 programmers, or only 50 on the DAAS Pro plan. Slash your labor costs, taxes, and compliance expenses; call today!

    Software tech is just the first (white collar) sector to feel the pain of automation. It’s already been commodified by “outsourcing” of work to low-cost countries, and automation, AI-based or otherwise, is just the next step to increasing shareholder profits and management bonuses. Ironically, it’s developers themselves, so used to jumping on every latest hype-train, who are eagerly facilitating their own demise, trying to appease employers and appear more personally “productive” by integrating the latest “AI” this-or-that into their work. So many of these folks live in very high COL locations, like SF, Seattle, NY and Boston, have property in those areas, and have an identity to a great extent formed from the illusion of having “made it” in their land of tech giants. To go from being the envy of their peers and family, the “winner” with the million-dollar (or much more) house (and accompanying mortgage), private schools, and a garage full of the latest tech-on-wheels, to having no income, no other skills and experience, fading job prospects, little social support, and nowhere to go … I think it’s going to be ugly, for a class of people who aren’t used to hardship and who’ve been sold the “upward mobility” bill-of-goods for many decades now. Suicide will be one way out of it all, likely an increasingly appealing way.