What’s a tankie?
A meme truly ahead of its time
You’d be better able to define what you are on ideological grounds if you’d read
Just read it ffs you libs are just the laziest
What point were you making then, aside of baseless acusations of an absolutely heinous thing
Damn you suck, must be tough being you
Idk my guy the other poster explains it pretty well, at this point it just looks like you’re refusing to learn
I still have to meet an anarchist IRL who 1) knows about the term ‘tankie’ let alone 2) uses it
Yeah looking at your other comments mine was uncalled for.
Yeah that’s clear
What is the position anarchists take regarding the state, as opposed to say, socialists?
Sounds pretty tankie to me
What things don’t you like then?
Damn you really kept them in check when you bombed Iraq back to the stone age
You also really kept China in check when you moved your entire industrial capacity there
Tries to act like he’s read anything, clearly hasn’t, opinion discarded
Couldn’t be me, i’m on my phone watching YouTube shorts and getting angry at the absolute shit content i"m forcing myself to watch