Live, Laugh, Larp
It takes energy to produce them, sure, but it’s way less than even just the production needs for coal or natural gas. Not to mention that’s a one time carbon cost (per lifespan which is close to 30 years these days) vs ongoing emissions. And additionally, as the energy mix where the panels are produced cleans up, the carbon footprint of the panels go down as well! Is it the perfect solution? No, but there is no silver bullet to get off fossil fuels. Solar is just one part of that transition and it is exciting to see more groups exploring the solar/shade synergy (there’s some cool shaded farming solar experiments going on that also make use of the solar panel’s shadow for additional benefits!)
It’ll be interesting to see if they do. Larian themselves have said they have no plans at the moment, in no small part due to how in 5e at lvl 12+ powers get hard to balance/model in a computer game. But given the success at launch, they’re probably going to feel a lot of pressure to make one. I’m curious how they’ll get around it. My guess is they’ll either have to more strongly deviate from 5e or it’s a side plot with new characters.
If done instead of reducing current emissions, 100%. That said, there is a real need to invest in carbon capture technology now so that it can be more useful in the future. It’s a small part of the overall strategy to improve our climate future, but an important one as we get further along in the century and emissions already are reduced. So, yeah, if people hold up this technology and say “see, let’s keep drilling”, fuck that. But as long as it’s an “and” not an “or”, this is a good thing.