Oi bruv, empty yo pockets innit ye. Gimme all yo coins fam.

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Israelis are already going full damage control mode. The UN just ran this disgusting article supposedly verifying “rape”, but seemingly don’t mention that the UN team had no access to any bodies, no autopsies were ever conducted on any supposed rape victims, so one has to wonder…well, what are they going based on then? Well, testimonies from the disgraced ZAKA organization, reports from hostages, hospitals, and military officials. Off the bat, no hostages or rape victims were reported at any hospitals/ trauma centers for rape, and certainly not mass rape. The remaining 2 sources can confidently be written off as false.

    edit: just learned that Pramilla Patten not only doesn’t have UN investigative mandate, but she also spread stories about russian viagra soldier rapes 2 years ago, wow!

  • Most of the casualties that day were military. Of the civilians casualties, a sizeable portion if not majority were killed by the IDF. As the electronic intifada pointed out, the IDF spent the course of a day bombing people with Apache helicopters, and accounts from Israeli hostages and security personnel confirm the shelling and bombing of houses that had civilians in them. This has been confirmed by Mondoweiss.

    There is growing evidence that indicates that Hamas along with the other fighters in the coalition were indeed acting defensively.

  • Protests are one of the easiest ways to continue on and spread radical socialist ideas. Just today I believe, a handful of European countries recently blocked the EU’s decision to suspend aid to Palestine. Do you think they just did that on their own accord? No, there were revolutionary minded people in those countries who made sure the right ideas were spread.

    Point being that you have to reach the masses if you want to actually affect change. Not to mention, the main speakers at these events were Palestinian liberation & socialist voices (or at least the one I went to). If what they were doing was irrelevant, then zionist counterprotestors wouldn’t have showed up, and there wouldn’t be orgs like Canary Mission which has doxxed people I know IRL, and not to mention, the US and Israel wouldn’t spend hundreds of billions on propoganda churning machines to counter us.

    on a sidenote, NGO’s are kinda scammy in their own right and often have an effect of deradicalizing people. Despite them being “NGO’s”, they’re often times reliant on the government for funding. At that point, you might as well try to find families to send it directly to.