It almost feels like some sort of AI bot framed to make people angry, for not being leftist enough, or something, with the underlying intent to create a shame response to criticisms of like trump, I guess… such a weird thing to go off about.
It almost feels like some sort of AI bot framed to make people angry, for not being leftist enough, or something, with the underlying intent to create a shame response to criticisms of like trump, I guess… such a weird thing to go off about.
So, making a shit post joke about how Trump pledged to bring down the cost of eggs, thus having his cult believe the prices of eggs were going to go down due to him, and they a currently rising, with no end in sight, because the president doesn’t control the price of eggs, is spreading AG prop and trying to cover up the fact that the bird flu is raising the prices?
You must have extremely long arms to be able to reach that far.
They aren’t refrigerated because eggs naturally have a coating on them that protects them from spoiling due to exposure. In the US we wash it off in an effort to get things like salmonella off the shells, instead of regulate farm side safety measures
Ah yes, aluminum, the one, and only, material we use.
Maybe they did, but are now inhabiting other planets to spread out population and resource use, or those planets have/are near very rich sources of critical elements
You think asking guys in prison, if they want to buy dope, would be something they don’t want to hear?
the IOM says NFL athletes should get a minimum of one gallon/3.7 liters per day, but their data says it might need to be as high as 10 liters.
That’s the north atlantic ocean
back in the 90s there was a couple times lakes in western PA/NY froze over enough people were out driving on them.
It has been a long time since most of those places have been cold enough, long enough, to have a lake become that solidly frozen. It has been 30+ years since I have seen this happen in the mid atlantic.
I mean, if you’re gonna use a hammer for building IKEA furniture, instead of hamming, like hammers are clearly designed for, it’s your own fault.
Any point of origin is going to introduce its own biases, whether they intend to or not. The solution is to have AI development be decentralized, and have as many points of origin as possible. After introduction most of the bias seen will be a result of the majority of the information it is encycloping.
I wish
I would buy it just for the free kid-shippil
Will they bill Texas for time employees spent on other projects, like they did with the DOD, and probably more than that?
Ahh the days when I would have two, maybe three, IBM clones on my desk, HAL 9000esque eye on the wall, and a tablet pc, surrounded by hundreds of books.
This is clearly some sort of native american origin horror
OP’s dad is wolverine
Oh, I have had more than one “I am gonna just sit here and eat this whole thing” nights.
How could I have forgotten the gold rule, no fun on the grad!