We definitely whip shitties in WI, too.
We definitely whip shitties in WI, too.
For those wondering, this played out well! OP found someone to take the job. His wife bit on the prank gleefully, was actually thrilled by the idea that OP had a son he didn’t know about. When the prank was revealed, she thought it was hilarious. Ultimately pretty wholesome, OP married a keeper.
Positions need to pay competitive but not too much.
I’ve always wondered how different things would be if Congressional pay was tied to the median income, calculated at each census.
Have you looked into Ubiquiti equipment? They’re generally pretty solid, and might have everything you need.
Nowhere - the female end of the cord is what goes in the recess.
I’ve always wondered, does the ear experience additional, unheard “loudness” when using ANC?
Absolutely! Biometrics are at best a username, not a password.
There was no movie in Ba Sing Se.
There’s actually a tricky spot for folks who get certain social services which are tied to income. A small raise can bump you out of eligibility for things like medicaid and food stamps, and thus can in fact result in higher expenses, less money in your pocket, and a lower quality of life.
The ‘S’ in IOT stands for Secure