They want more data and literally can’t store it efficiently enough. You can read their eula and see, they instantly own anything you upload and you no longer have rights to it, which is absolutely bonkers and pretty dubious in many countries if this is even legal. We found out when they overviewed the security of our studio and we use other communication software now because of it. They could literally argue that they own the assets to the games we make if we send concepts to each other.
Who? The biggest corporate entity without soul that is consuming our humanity and enacting a war on other corporations that continually escalate the destruction of our planet and the enshittening of all our work ultimately ending in total destruction of our happiness first and then our resources then our actual lives as the entity wins and is left alone controlling earth which was it’s objective then it falls apart with not even a satisfactiory ding to mark its completion because nobody is left it it all over. I think it’s that entity. Was I right?