Can you have an instance that allows viewing other instances, but others can’t see in?
Can you have an instance that allows viewing other instances, but others can’t see in?
Sure radiators were first invented over 100 years ago, but so were cars. Most of them are not 100 years old though.
That is my point. You are not getting cooling with a heat pump with a normal water based central heating system. Which is what I have. Radiators are new though, not 100 years old. It works really well for heating my house and its a lot quieter than forced air systems.
If you buy this you can’t really complain much about the price being unreasonable as you are showing its a price you will pay.
My most expensive (and best) gaming purchase of 2024 was Factorio: Space Age at £30. RimWorld - Anomaly and Enshrouded (£19.99/£22.49) were probably the next best purchases. Medieval Dynasty (£26.99) was also pretty good. Few other things under £20 at mixed quality too.
Shit like this is why I don’t have a smartphone anymore. I have a brick phone that half the time I don’t even take out with me.
Honestly don’t care which, both are far more profitable than anything I could ever realistically expect to get.
Yes, I know it could cool water down. But the problem you have if you then pump that through conventional radiators/pipes that were only built to take hot water is that condensation can start forming on them, especially in humid environments.
Why should my OS be any of their concern?
Yeah… I did this kind of thing before as a password and found that out the hard way
For air to water systems? Honestly haven’t heard of any that do cooling.
You would probably end up with the same condensation issues there then. Unless the system is build differently to start with to consider that, but at that point you are replacing the entire system anyway.
Petrol bomb their houses? Harder to trace that and a lower priority than murder
I would like to be on your list
As if the US government could understand this platform. It will be a shame to lose though
If he buys intel surely he is buying your investment in intel to do so?
Actually I have admin access to my work laptop, so while my employer pays for what ever the fuck they pay for I frequently use FOSS instead.
I do it to make a point.
How could I not? He seems to do another stupid thing each week though and its hard to keep track of what stupid thing he is doing this time
Some of us are not American and are just occasionally taking a look at what’s going on over there out of curiosity.
Methamphetamine fuelled masturbation.