LibsEatPoop [any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020


  • Literally no one on Twitter understands how anything works. Everyone in the quote replies is posting gifs saying Yuzu is gonna dunk on Nintendo, they’re gonna show Nintendo who’s boss, they’re gonna this, they’re gonna that… and I’m fucking losing my mind.

    Of course I want Yuzu to win. Of course Nintendo wants to ends emulation and that’s bad. But come the fuck on. Be realistic. This is not Google vs. Epic or even David vs. Goliath. This is like… the asteroid vs the dinosaurs. The only hope for Yuzu (and emulation) is that this asteroid misses the Earth, i.e., over the next 60 days, Nintendo somehow reaches a deal with the company and this doesn’t go to court.

    Because if it does, then I will get no enjoyment from being the one telling the geniuses on Twitter, “I told you so.”

  • So, on the one hand, websites like these are great for collecting and sharing information regarding which companies and people support Israel and how.

    But, as BDS points out, the long lists of companies to boycott that go viral often end up having the opposite effect, by making people feel like there’s no point in boycotting any company at all.

    If anyone begins to feel that way after looking at all these companies, then just remember to focus your effort on the list endorsed by BDS - not because the other companies are “okay”, but because that way we can collectively have the most impact.

  • Look into BDS. That’s the organization that organized boycotts of companies in a tactic similar to one employed against South Africa during Apartheid. I linked their page that lists the main companies they are targeting right now, along with the reasons why.

    Both McDonalds and Starbucks are targets of “organic boycotts” i.e. companies that we, as consumers, decided to boycott of our own initiative - Starbucks sued its union (Starbucks Workers United) after it expressed solidarity with Palestine; McDonalds is even worse - it gave (still gives?) free meals to IDF soldiers and sued BDS after it criticized the company.

    The effect of the boycotts are being felt by the two companies.

    Hope this helps.

  • The legislation, House Bill 500, would allow employers to stop offering their workers “reasonable” lunch and rest breaks, mandatory under current Kentucky law, and end the requirement that employees who work seven days in a row receive overtime pay… According to the Kentucky Lantern, the bill also “(prevents) employers from being punished for not paying minimum wage or overtime pay when an employee is traveling to and from a workplace.”

    Kentucky has been in the spotlight recently for other pieces of legislation scaling back worker protections, including one bill passed by the House removing working hour restrictions for 16- and 17-year-olds, which Pratt said would get children “off the couch [and] quit playing Nintendo games.”… It is also the state where, in May 2023, U.S. Department of Labor investigators discovered two 10-year-old workers operating dangerous cooking equipment while working late shifts at a McDonald’s.

    The bill passed a Republican-led House committee Wednesday in a party-line vote and now moves to a vote by the full chamber.

  • That is disappointing to hear, but good to know. I think I’ve heard about Joplin’s sync being not-very-good earlier too. On the other hand, I’ve heard similar things (and you mentioned it too) with regards to Obsidian, but I personally haven’t encountered any yet.

    On organization, is there a limit to sorting files into folders (is that what is meant by notebooks)? I prefer that over tags in any case. On features, if the options were between Notesnook and Obsidian, it does have upsides. Obsidian has the community plugins, but I only use a handful and it seems a few of them are built-in already in Notesnook. And it is cheaper, of course. The downside is it is a much smaller company (with two main devs as far as I can see?) which means if something happens, future updates would depend on the community.

    And Cryptee also offers a lot of features for a lower price (its github is very scarce tbh). Notesnook still looks like a good choice, though.

  • I’m currently on Obsidian, but looking to change to an open-source alternative. I am a heavy note-taker but have no need for Obsidian’s “knowledge base” like features.

    Glad to see you recommend Notesnook! The free tier looks very good by itself. Sync, unlimited notes, offline, rich text. Do you mind answering what “limited organisation” means? What are the other downsides of the free tier? The paid plan is definitely cheaper than Obsidian, but there are cheaper open-source alternatives I’m also looking at (each with downsides of course).

    One I know is Joplin which, similar to Obsidian, requires payment of Syncing. It’s Basic plan (all I would need) is a third cheaper than Notesnook, while the Pro is more expensive. Then there is Cryptee which I could also use for free for a long time, or pay similar to Joplin. Notesnook is cheaper than Standard Notes though!