NO! Everyone MUST speak how I do at all times, or they’re WRONG!
There’s only one way to speak, and any linguistic deviation will be reported to the POLICE!
Account abandoned due to dbzer0 members disparaging me for sharing my experiences and trying to provide interesting leftist OC
NO! Everyone MUST speak how I do at all times, or they’re WRONG!
There’s only one way to speak, and any linguistic deviation will be reported to the POLICE!
That’s why you should always include a banana in the picture. Then we can tell if the clock is right side up in relation to the banana.
As a 2FA supporter, I get a bit addled when the time sync isn’t working properly and my discord login won’t accept the code
No one person can represent an entire culture though. That’s why it’s on us to learn how to be respectful.
For example, someone from Mexico might be just fine with offensive Hispanic stereotypes, but that doesn’t excuse such behavior. You can’t just ask a random person for a pass, like what? Even asking for something like that would be utterly tasteless lmao
But cultural appreciation is not what is meant by “cultural appropriation.” Cultural appropriation is when it’s done in a disrespectful manner.
I grew up with some utterly racist experiences in school – the feather “headdress” and cardboard tipis, the sombreros on Cinco de Mayo, etc.
I wish I’d had someone at the time to explain why that was wrong.
To me, the term “cultural appropriation” refers to things like schools having kids make chicken feather “headdresses” to “celebrate” Native American Day, or wearing a religious symbol in a disrespectful way. Even though people like the person in the post can be annoying, I think it’s still progress that we’re able to have these discussions, and I think it’s too bad that for many people the takeaway seems to be “cultural appropriation is never problematic.” I’d take the person from the post any day over someone who thinks they’re immune from criticism when they unintentionally engage in behavior that truly is disrespectful.
Holy shit, that governor really made an ass of himself. He just kept doubling down lol
Thanks for the links!
I miss Radio Shack, but also I feel like toward the end there the workers wouldn’t even let me breathe.
A good Samaritan reported it and was basically charged with hacking the state
Wait, really? What would I search to read more about this? Do you remember which state?
What foods are high in vitamin C?
Listing foods could inadvertently encourage dietary changes without regard for allergies, nutritional balance, or medical conditions, possibly impacting individual health and well-being if acted upon without proper guidance from a healthcare professional.
This is great
True, but web designers already treat Firefox and its offshoots as an afterthought. Do you think without Mozilla it would get even worse?
For those communities that do already have a stateless, classeless society, you mean? This happens.
The TL:DR is that you function on the agreed-upon principles of horizontality and mutual aid, but I know that doesn’t sound like a satisifying answer, and there are so many ways that might look.
China followed Maoism, which was also an authoritarian state. In such theories, they are “communist” in that they ostensibly seek to progress to a communist society. Tbh I doubt the sincerity of such a pursuit.
There are communities that could be genuinely considered communist in its true form, but people typically don’t cite them as examples of communism working since they’re not nation-states … which is the whole point lol
Maybe in a Marxist-Leninist state, but not in communism defined as a stateless classless society. There is no ruling class in such a society.
Every calzone I’ve ever eaten has had sauce. And I only buy the really high quality authentic ones from Sbarro.
All wines matter!
Thank you for taking the time to understand what I’m saying. That’s all I wanted. It’s frustrating to keep being directed to change email preferences when that had nothing to do with my comments. I appreciate your time.
At the time I received the popup, I refreshed the page, and it was gone. I’m not sure if clicking outside the popup would have worked. If there’s no x to close, then that’s what’s called a “dark pattern.”
This is great! Thank you so much for compiling these resources. I’ve bookmarked it for reference. Please don’t delete it!