Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 7th, 2025


  • Hang on I’ll edit my comment in a second with an explanation.

    Copied from my comment in a different thread about this (with typo corrections):

    "Many years ago he paid like 5 bucks on fiver to see if some Indian guys would write “heil Hitler” on a sign and hold it up for a video (they did). He was doing stupid edgy humor and playing with fire like many creators at the time. Many people canceled him “fully” a year or so after that when he had the “bridge incident”. He called someone the n word for camping or something while he was playing PUBG. He apologized and took responsibility for using the word…sorta. He continued to make content for a few more years and then he “retired” in Japan with his wife and child. They post update videos every few months but more or less he got his bag and dipped out after he pulled too many stupid moves and was seen as “toxic” to work with.

    I don’t think he’s a bad person, but that’s just as someone who occasionally watched his videos over the years."

    I am by no means a big PewDiePie fan/expert and I don’t claim to know all the specifics, but this is what I gathered from being on YouTube often from the beginning and having two little brothers who went through a PewDiePie phase.

  • Many years ago he paid like 5 bucks to see if some Indian guys would write “heil Hitler” on a sign and hold it up for a video (they did}. He was doing stupid edgy humor and playing with like like many creators at the time. Many people canceled him “fully” a year or so after that when he had the “bridge incident”. He called someone the n word for camping or something while he was playing PUBG. He apologized and took responsibility for using the word…sorta. He continued to make content for a few more years and then he “retired” in Japan with his wife and child. They post update videos every few months but more or less he got his bag and dipped out after he pulled too many stupid moves and was seen as “toxic” to work with.

    I don’t think he’s a bad person, but that’s just as someone who occasionally watched his videos over the years.

  • Majorllama@lemmy.worldtoaskmenover30@lemm.eeMen who shave...
    6 days ago

    Electric razor. Takes me 5-6 minutes and I do it every day before I jump in the shower. Typically while in the shower I will feel if I missed a hair or something and I can go back to get it.

    Today I missed a small hair on my cheek and it’s been driving me nuts all day.

    I would just grow out a beard but I have very bad beard genetics so it’s better for me if I keep it clean shaven lol.

  • Yeah I mentioned that in my other comment. I always test boot my new builds while outside the case with just the CPU installed. I like to make sure it’s posting each time I add new hardware so I can know before I put it all in the case that something is wrong. I have never had a board refuse to post without a cooler or fans connected, but they will give warnings out the wazoo though.

  • Man I used to check if systems would post without a cpu cooler installed at all back in the day. I wouldn’t run it for more than a few seconds but just long enough to make sure it was posting.

    Had a buddy burn his finger pretty good because he wanted to know how hot a cpu would get without a cooler lol. Turns out they get hot enough to burn humans within a couple seconds lol

  • I’ve built a lot of computers in my lifetime and my only guess when reading your post was that somehow one of them was causing a short and that short was somehow preventing the system from successfully posting, but I’m not sure how that would work exactly.

    My level of technical knowledge ends about there. I can troubleshoot and swap hardware all day, but idk how a case fan would cause a system not to boot specifically.

    Unless… Was one of the case fans running from the CPU header for some reason? Maybe the board thought the CPU fan was cooked and it was preventing a boot for safety? I’ve never seen anything like that safety speaking, but I could believe it exists.