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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Because that’s how science works? Cats are obligate carnivores. They require a diet of meat. If you are insisting that a diet without meat can satisfy the needs of an obligate carnivores then it is up to you to prove that it is with a large, well designed study that is published, peer reviewed, and repeatable.

    That is what the admin was saying. You can’t use the claims in a book written by a vegan activist who was confirming his own bias at proof. That isn’t proof. It isn’t up to science to prove you wrong. Itis up to you to prove you right.

  • Show me “corpse muncher” and “blood mouth”.

    “Carnist” was co-opted by vegan extremists and is sneered through clenched teeth as an slur at anyone who doesn’t agree with them by those extremists just as “woke” and “progressive” are sneered by right wing extremists at anyone who doesn’t fully embrace the Project 2025 vision of a Handmaid’s Tale version of the United States, “terf” is sneered by trans extremists at anyone who doesn’t agree that you can magically change your sex by changing your gender, and the n-word has been sneered by racist extremists for centuries at anyone they see as racially impure.

    Extremists are all the same.

    So, show me “corpse muncher” and “blood mouth” or we’re done here

  • Before this the mods at c/vegan had iron fisted control over what ideas were acceptable in their echo bunker. They actively promoted pseudo-scientific propaganda that supported their self-assured ideological moral purity and banned anyone who question the misinformation or posted peer reviewed science that contradicted the misinformation. Their echo bunker has been blown open, their lies and ideological censorship are on full display, and like insects exposed when their rock is lifted they are scurrying around trying to find somewhere ideologically dark and safe to hide.

  • I’m a Candian here so take my advice for what is worth. Vote Democrat as cross the board.

    I have cancer. Hodgkins Lymphoma. A felt a lump in my neck on Friday. Called the doctors office on Monday and saw the doctor on Wednesday. In the next two months I had an ultrasound that was, “worrying” followed up by a chest x-ray and full body CT. That necessitated a biopsy which resulted in the positive diagnosis of Hodgkins. That triggered a PET scan, respiratory study, and echocardiogram. I saw my oncologist a week after the PET scan and started chemo two days later. I just had my second infusion this morning and I’m feeling a bit beaten up. They gave me Ondensetron for the night after chemo and Olanzapine for nausea as needed. All I pay for is parking at the hospital and I can claim that on my taxes.

    Universal healthcare is really, really hard to implement. That’s why only 22 of the 23 most developed countries in the world have it.

    The US health care system is a grotesque lie.