Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 29 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • And you took exception to me saying you were indifferent?!

    I am anything but indifferent when it comes to how to operate my corner of the fediverse.

    But when the problem isn’t mine to solve, yes? Would you expect me to be vegetarian just in case the person next to me in a restaurant doesn’t want to see anyone eating meat?

    We wouldn’t be arguing if you agreed to tag it.

    So start reporting. I have and will consider every report I get. I use both votes and reports to gauge where the line is so as to offend as few as possible. When I do get reports I flip the tag or remove a post until it is tagged, more often than not. And as I keep telling you, I DO TAG THINGS FROM THE START.

    Provided the report is even close to reasonable. Some people seem to think every anime woman is underage or deliberately intended to appear as such, and that all depictions of them are solely for imagining immoral acts.

    Stuff like “shitton of pedo-adjacent crap” and “scantily clad busty teen-style cartoons” makes me pretty sure you are one such person.

  • Please use it. Please.

    Are you missing the part where I literally do?

    Whole instances hiding your content because of persistent complaints

    I’ve gotten reports from exactly one user on I barely get reports in general. Despite consistent daily posting for over a year.


    Exactly. My content isn’t offensive, and anything clearly more risque I DO TAG. So if the content isn’t for you, you should block it the same way I block music communities, because I’m not interested.

  • I take it you’re referring to rule two in some of my communities. The one that forbids posting content that is more than “mildly arousing”. That is hardly me explicitly asking for content that only falls into that range.

    You act as if upvotes are given involuntarily. As if people upvote things just because it is there.

    Communities grow, content is posted, and upvoted to become more visible, because there are people who want to see and share it.

    This isn’t an advertising platform, or some algo-driven hellscape where pleasing some piece of code somewhere is more important than posting things users actually like. I’m not paying to get more upvotes, I’m literally doing whatever people approve of the most. Deliberately.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to reach as many people who WANT to see what I’m posting, and nothing you can say about what you think my reasons are can change my mind. I know what my reasons are, and you are simply refusing to believe me.

  • So set up an account on

    I’m not going to retort any of the rest. I’ve made my point before and in this thread. You’ve clearly decided it’s unreasonable, and gone ahead with interpreting it as negatively as possible.

    For anyone else reading, yes, I have and would describe some content I post as “mildly arousing” but a lot of that would fall under the stuff I DO mark NSFW.

    This person is acting as if I never mark anything NSFW and don’t care who it affects. This is incorrect.

  • Thank you for the aknowledgement.

    When it comes to that second post, had I gotten a report on it, I would probably have flipped my decision not to mark it NSFW, as I have done on some posts in the past.

    But I didnt get a report. Edit: though I went ahead and changed it now.

    The others I could hang up as posters at work just fine.

    On the subject of sensibilities differing

    I have images like that one, and “worse” in my wallpaper rotation both on my phone and PC. I even have some pieces depicting actual nudity in an artistic setting.

    My city has public statues and art installations that do that. In fact kind of a lot of places do. Way too much of the world suffers what I consider weird hangups on this subject.

    I get separating pornography from public display, but this isn’t that.

    While I respect people not wanting to see certain content (and their right to block it), I don’t see what’s so offensive about the human body, or the aesthetic appreciation for it that some us feel, to the point that even non-nudity that displays the wrong shapes has to be censored lest someone somewhwere take offence to the point of it causing genuine averse consequences.

    Even then, lemmy doesn’t have the kind of complex tagging system that would allow people to define what they don’t want to see before they see it. I expressed in this thread that I don’t want porn in my feed, but if I were to disable NSFW content on my profile, a lot of not-porn I do want to see would go with it.

    How many people would miss my post if I err on the side of caution too much?

    Would I flag it as “midly provocative” if that was an option to allow those who want to to filter it out? Sure. But we don’t have proper tagging on lemmy. Not yet. And NSFW is synonymous with pornography for A LOT of people, which again, this isnt.

    Hence why sopulis policies on blocking porn fit me so well. And why should absolutely do the equivalent for whatever types of content you want enable your users to see.

    I realise I’m at an extreme end of the matter, which is why I DO flag some things as NSFW even when I don’t personally bat an eye.

    But I also can’t just flag everything, or mark the entire communties NSFW, because that IS used for porn, and will be what users expect and post if I did.

    So I do my best to offend fewer people, but at the same time the content I want to share is often in a place where people simply don’t agree on what it is and how to categorize it.

    And while posting with an abundance of caution would be nice, it means suppressing discovery on all instances, instead of just some, and mostly being found by users browsing for something to masturbate to.

  • I don’t think so at all.

    I am on mostly because it’s run by finns, but also because they defederate and block pornographic instances and communities, which I do not want to see.

    Given that there is transparency, then, this type of instance-level curation, means each user can choose on what instance they would like to create an account, and get a starting-point for the kind of content they would like to curate.

    This decision makes a perfect home for users that were going to block these communities anyway.

    Yeah, you can just block everything you don’t like, but if theres an instance with a policy that aligns with what you want, you can cut down on that work a lot by just setting up your user there.

  • They can’t. They can only hide things for their users, not other instances.

    The local home admin of a community could entirely remove it, but they cannot hide it for other instances.

    For off-instance communities, an admin can either hide them (visible to local subscribers) or block that one community (visible to no-one on the instance). But this again only affects the one instance, and has to be done by each instance that wants that community to be hidden or blocked.

    Even if a community is hidden on its home instance, it would only become hidden on that one instance.

  • Hidden communities are a good feature.

    It is unfortunate that it reduces discovery, but as marking posts NSFW when I think they aren’t also suppresses discovery, I don’t consider this a loss in the slightest.

    The opposite. Hidden, but available, is a very good place to be for a lot of the content I post.

    Instances can and should run their operations the way they see fit, hence creating a diverse range of options for users on what kind of “front page” they’d like to see.

    Hence my affinity for sopuli, which straight up defederates instances that host mostly pornography, as that is a genre of content I have no interest in consuming or sharing.

    I do take some issue with presenting my threshold for what constitutes NSFW to be “indifference”, but that’s a diplomatic issue. I am not indefferent in moderating my communities, and I’m a little insulted anyone would come to that interpretation given they actually looked into my actions.

    People have different sensibilities, and while I have used reports and comments to gauge where that line is for others, I don’t see the utility in erring on the side of caution beyond a certain point.

  • Start with the cheapest plan.

    If you ever find yourself wishing steam installed a game faster, then upgrade to the next best one. See if that feels like enough.

    I pay a bit more for 600mbps, but that’s because I have a home server which runs services for friends and family. It might be streaming media, be syncing nextcloud data, and uploading a snapshot to off-site backup, all at the same time, and it needs to do that without hiccups for anyone accessing it. Even then it’s more than strictly necessary. 350mbps would be VERY fast, and enough.

    Along with that comes the ability to install small games basically instantly on my gaming desktop, and big ones in the time it takes me to grab a snack, but even the cheapest speed available would otherwise be more than enough for single-person use.

    My siblings and mother live on 10mbps home wifi, and they never even complain.

  • Yes and no.

    Pending means the sub hasn’t gone through to the home instance of the community. If you’re the first subscriber, this means the there will be no inbound federation bringing the content from that community to your instance.

    If someone else on your instance has already successfully subbed, the federating is already occurring, and your instance will be receiving the activity as it comes in.

    Your instance will then show it to you, both in your subscriptions and in general, even though the sub is pending.

    If your sub stays pending, you may have to unsub and resub to get it to work. If no-one else on your instance has subbed either, then the activity will continue to not show up for as long as it is pending.