How do you do my fellow leaves?
How do you do my fellow leaves?
Shrinking is amazing!
Woooo! Can I trouble you for some more?
r/analog r/architecturerevival r/artefactporn r/arthistory r/dildont r/farpeoplehate r/houseporn r/liminalspace r/thalassophobia r/theyknew r/truefilm r/ukiyoe
How can I add more if i want to?
I like sublemmits lol
You sir are doing god’s work!
Can you do it for gymemes?
Ass hair is fine but nose hair!!!
Seriously what the fuck uk? Now I’m never gonna visit!
I tried to use mastodon but it never stuck for me. Mostly because of the lack of communities that I’m part of on twitter. Ever since musk’s takeover, I’ve been using twitter less and less.
I’ve seen your name in them movies!