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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • MrGG@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldAmiright?
    11 months ago

    Yeah a lot of stuff in Deep Space 9 is setup throughout The Next Generation, in a way it’s a spin-off of TNG. Lwaxana Troi is the mother of one of the main characters on TNG, for example. (random fact: the actor is also the widow of the creator of Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry). She also acted on the original series, but played a different character.

    There is definitely a religious slant throughout the show, especially when it comes to the Bajorans or Sisko, but generally doesn’t act as a deus ex machina plot device. Okay I can think of one plot point of the top of my head where it’s a bit deus ex machina, but it’s still very enjoyable and arguably makes sense within the context of the entirety of the show. Overall I’d say the Bajoran / wormhole alien religion plays an important part in the show, but more for setting / theme and less for major plot points, and in episodes where it is a plot construct it is well done and makes sense in-universe, unlike some other shows I can think of (like Battlestar Galactica).

    Have you been introduced to the Cardassian named Garak yet? In my humble opinion Garak (and Gul Dukat, whom you’ve already met) are some of the best characters ever written for TV. The character development over the seasons is organically great, for most of the characters, really.

    There is an overall main story spread out throughout the show, which I think doesn’t really kick into full gear until season 4 I think? Deep Space 9 is different from the other Star Trek shows in that the other shows generally don’t have an overarching story, each episode is more or less self-contained, which made DS9 quite the radical contrast at the time it was released.

  • MrGG@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldAmiright?
    11 months ago

    How far into Deep Space 9 are you? If you find it interesting now you’ll probably thoroughly enjoy seasons 5-7.

    If you want to try watching the Patrick Stewart one (The Next Generation) I suggest starting with the pilot / first episode, then the season 2 episode “Measure of a Man” and then watch all episodes starting with season 3 onward. Keep in mind The Next Generation chronologically comes before Deep Space 9.

  • You’ve never had to do something outside of what is included in the PHP standard library? You’ve never used composer or included a third-party library?

    You must dedicate a lot of time to writing things from scratch, things that are already solved (almost certainly better than you or I can ever do ourselves) and can be utilised by using a third-party library / module / package etc.

    Node does take things to the extreme sometimes, but often packages are saving you hundred or thousands of hours a year, so you can focus on overall logic rather than creating an already existing tool for sending high-volume templated email, for example.

  • I agree entirely with that sentiment. With this absurd abandonment of the 4a, the constant reports of owners not being able to dial 911, and my 4a randomly deciding one day to go into “emergency mode” and begin calling 911 on its own (while the phone was in my hand, I was just checking email, finger was nowhere near the power button to activate “emergency mode”), and the fact that the feature gap between Android and iOS is becoming narrower and narrower, I am seriously considering going back to iPhone 🙄

  • Hah. From your perspective sure, I’ll give you that. I don’t think subjective or objective “quality” is the sole criteria when comparing cinema, especially in this context where the article is talking about comic book movies versus the rest of cinema, but I am running on 4 hours of sleep so I wasn’t as clear I could have been, sorry. In this context, from my perspective, they are inherently comparable since they are in the same genre. I think we may also have slightly different applications of “comparable” here — maybe a regional language thing?

    For the record I think the couple of Marvel movies I’ve seen have been vapid wastes of time that could have possibly been written engineered by LLMs for maximum returns on investment. So I think we’re of a similar opinion and probably on the same side here. I still think mentioning Nolan in this context is hilariously hypocritical given he made some of the biggest comic book movies ever. I get the intent behind evoking Nolan’s quality filmmaking, still funny to me regardless.

    That said… Your messages come across as quite antagonistic. Why is that? I mean this quite sincerely: are you doing okay? It takes so much energy to be sour all of the time — I know from experience. Feel free to message me on here if you want to shoot the shit.

    -Mr Giggity