Out of the three, I don’t want my high school experience to have had no people. The other two, yeah I’m good with having no people.
Out of the three, I don’t want my high school experience to have had no people. The other two, yeah I’m good with having no people.
I believe that some technological ideas can work. The problem is that ideas that are under people like Musk, are doomed to always fail and will be seen as negative.
Elon Musk sucks.
I think we need to take our fear away from Terminator and apply it moreso to something like HAL. HAL is more realistic now than a cybernetic Terminator is.
But did anyone ever say that you HAD to subscribe to everything? No.
I must be one of the few people in a group who have a better control in what they feel they can subscribe to.
Adobe expects me to pay monthly for Photoshop? No, fuck you, I’ve got GIMP and a number of other paint and photo manipulation programs.
Microsoft expects me to pay for Office 365? No, fuck you, I’ve got LibreOffice and your older Office software still works as good. Your word processing program, Word, hasn’t really changed that much since 2007 or even 2003. Hell, maybe not since 1997!
I understand this video highlights some of the more draconian practices of subscription services and they deserve to be. But also, people really really need to learn about alternatives instead of feeling like they’ve got to subscribe to something that they never had to in the first place.
Also, no, you do not need smart-everything. Leave all of the smart-appliance shit for the richies who happily throw money down on that and let them waste their time and money on the susbcriptions involving them. You don’t need them, have some self-respect and know that the dumb versions of those smart things still are just as good and effective.
And be theatric. High five the cashier, over-compliment them, get a bunch of friends to dance with them. Then by the end, be happy they offered you a discount.
I roll my eyes at the dishonest bad faith takes people have in the comments about how people do the same thing behind the wheel. Like that’s going to make autopiloting self-driving cars an exception. Least a person can react, can slow down or do anything that an unthinking, going-by-the-pixels computer can’t do at a whim.
Make it your exercise routine. No chumps download shit by the megabytes, you’re going to go gigabytes and beyond! HUSTLE!
It’s always a funny situation when one big tech corp accuses another big tech corp of a practice they all know too well in how it functions.
These corps always love dumping dirt on eachother at any opportunity, while practicing the very exact thing that they’ve accused said other tech corp of doing.
Microsoft, you silly hypocrites.
Because they’re consoomers. Consoomers don’t like people who supposedly threaten their product that they shall consoom later.
And consoomers don’t want to make the hand that feeds them angry so they’ll buy into any and every lie that’s been pitched for years about piracy.
Pirating it is, assholes. If you’re going to make this an official ruling, then stop attacking gamers that pirate out of print games when they acquire them.
It’s impossible today because there’s billions of people that most likely will ignore you.
In a simpler world with less than 4 million, there was a chance.