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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Pika@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldVictory 🙌
    1 year ago

    so AAA typically arrive late

    that’s IF they arrive at all. Many studios/publishers just don’t care about lower hardware anymore. If it doesn’t run on current day hardware they don’t release it for it. Especially with Linux and Mac. The best time to get a release for the the two would be release day, after that it’s diminishing results

    I firmly believe that with the move to ARM, they gutted macos gaming capability past the point of no return. You used to be able to say that you could run compatibility layers on it but, the new architecture makes it super hard to do so. Even virtualizing it via VirtualBox is a pain in the butt on the new system. I’ve just been telling customers if you want any type of gaming support, choose anything but the new macs.

  • with WFH it’s generally harder to analyze what areas the worker is struggling, and it also lacks the one on one with the worker. You can still technically do a video call or screen-share but, it’s harder to monitor the worker to verify that said mentorship is taking effect, without compromising the privacy of the worker and the system at hand. It’s possible to do but, you lose many tools such as constant monitoring of multiple under-performers at once that make it harder to actually monitor and mentor. This is without including that remote work is much harder to actually monitor work activity vs work productivity until it is too late(end of day, missed deadline, etc).

  • being devils advocate here, they probably are blinded by the reports of workers who are inefficient at remote work. I want remote work as much as the next guy, I am deeply passionate for it; but I can see why management teams would want inhouse. Easier to monitor and punish mentor the under-performers if you are physically present in the building. The higher ups don’t generally care about stats, they only care about what issues are being brought to their plate/causing more work for them… and the underperforming workers are a pretty big additional work for them.

  • I see why people use downvoting this way, especially since that was the norm on reddit which a good portion of the base fled from, I find the same issue I had with downvotes on reddit to apply here as well though. I try to advocate down votes to be not out of personal opinion, but a reflection that the content is either useless or harmful to the existing conversation. This allows posts that are actually useful and contribute to the discussion to exist even if they are unpopular to peoples opinion. Just because you don’t like the post, doesn’t mean the post isn’t true or useful, which is why I find that form of downvoting ideology to be harmful overall.

    That being said, I would find the parent comment you replied to as constructive to the conversation…Up until they started egging people on with “is getting people super angry” I wouldn’t call this being downvoted for not agreeing, I would call it being downvoted for not being constructive to the post at hand(as there’s no need to actively try to get people to rage at you with a post like that)

  • I mean I guess that could be helpful, I’ve never really had that issue so I have yet to see the benefit of it. I just find it useless work that you’re typing out for something that the engine itself isn’t going to be able to see anyway, which means you’re going to have to have unit tests coded in regardless. And I wouldn’t say just a little more coding, typescript when implemented into my project doubled the amount of code provided, I’m trying to use it because I do understand it’s a standard, but I really don’t understand why it’s a universal standard, considering that everything it does is completely syntax sugar/coder side and it doesn’t actually interact with the underlying engine. I feel the same way about coffee script honestly.

  • I’m in this post and I don’t like it.

    That being said I try to have specific types in my typescript but coming from working without typescript, there’s so much more words involved using typescript and for what I use it for I don’t really see the use case. Sure it helps you realize what part of the script needs what data types but it adds so much more complexity in the code that I’m not really sure it’s worth in the first place.

  • Mine wasn’t a selling console, it was a “I’m sure I can fix this” and it was my old original Fat PS3 with backwards compatibilit. Back when I was first looking into technology as a hobby/passion, my ps3 stopped working, me being ignorant decided “lets take it apart to see if anythings burnt”, well I never put it back together again when I was done saying I would do it later, I never ended up doing so, and while I still have what I think is most of the pieces, I’m 80% sure that it is missing pieces, but I also haven’t had the time to do a proper once over on it.