So hard to decide on the spread. Butter? Ketchup? Mustard? Might need this cotter pin at some point…and a swiss army knife… eh butter is fine. Et voila.
So hard to decide on the spread. Butter? Ketchup? Mustard? Might need this cotter pin at some point…and a swiss army knife… eh butter is fine. Et voila.
That man’s name? Jesus Christ. Also his cross is upside down.
Silly me thought it was calling the big guy in the middle a tank
Hey stranger wanna see my hog?
It’s just a little squeezey in the middle…and slammy at the end. Kids are small and tough, like when you drop a bug from 100 times its height and it’s unharmed. They’ll be fine…oh that child colored goo at the end? That’s just theme decor.
Pretty sure it was Mark Confucious Twain Switzer…Jr.
“…than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”
That one guy may not have a face, but at least he’s got style.
One time I ordered a shirt and it didn’t show up for months. No response from the seller. I had accepted my loss and learned my lesson. But then a couple months later, bam, shirt.
I know a guy who can do it cheaper. Seriously though, there has to be a better way to do this. What about that laser based accelerator. LWFA? That seemed pretty neat.
A teetah
Come ooon micronova!
The trick is rewiring the outlet to 240v. More power = more signal.
Waka Waka Waka shiiit
When you put tomatoes in the fridge they get nasty
They seemed to have no idea what to do? Where’s the off switch!?