Simpsons fanatic, Seinfeld fanatic, Emulation and Raspberry Pi Fanatic, Left leaning Centrist, LBGT ally, hater of Left and Right fanatical politics, love Technology and Cryptocurrency ideas and discussion, 420 friendly geek who’s overly opinionated. Hate redditors with a passion

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • Analysis of what, be specific. Money lenders? No, defence contracts that US and Israel both want to go off without a hitch and both economic countries rely on. FACT. Not facile shit. Grow up and stop acting so pretentious. What you you mean by the below, not familiar with this reference to ‘day’?:

    There are lots of contentious things you can day about it

    To elaborate," The U.S.-Israeli bilateral economic and commercial relationship is strong, anchored by two-way trade in goods and services that reached USD 45.1 billion in 2021, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, and extensive commercial ties, particularly in high-tech and R&D. The total stock of Israeli foreign direct investment (FDI) in the United States was USD 40.4 billion in 2020. Since the signing of the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Agreement in 1985, the Israeli economy has undergone a dramatic transformation, moving from a protected, low-end manufacturing and agriculture-led economy to one that is diverse, mostly open, and led by a cutting-edge high-tech sector.

    The Israeli government generally continues to take slow, deliberate actions to remove trade barriers and encourage capital investment, including foreign investment. The continued existence of trade barriers and monopolies, however, have contributed significantly to the high cost of living and the lack of competition in key sectors. The Israeli government maintains some protective trade policies."

    Source: total stock of Israeli,USD 40.4 billion in 2020.

    For Canada:

    "Since the original CIFTA entered into force in 1997, two-way merchandise trade has more than tripled, totalling more than $1.6 billion in 2020. Canadian direct investment in Israel reached $515 million and Israeli direct investment in Canada reached $617 million in 2020.

    A key element of the commercial relationship is collaboration in science, technology and innovation (STI). Bilateral STI relations are strong, developed through more than 20 years of close collaboration. The Government of Canada has partnered with Israel to support joint research, development and commercialization projects. The governments of Ontario and Quebec have also established programs to support companies and researchers pursuing partnerships with Israel."
