I create things.


  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • @WeirdGoesPro Thanks, yeah I’m a video editor so I go through a lot of media files and will always need to call back to previous work this is why I need such large Drives as the average joe doesn’t really use more than 1TB as I can easily fill that up with only a few Projects. I have an old PC that I put Ubuntu on a year or so back to try out Linux, Personally have to use Windows due to using the Adobe Suite but if I can have my files stored on there and move/access them from my other PC that would be amazing.

    Luckily I will be able to test the theory of this out shortly as I will have access to my home office soon with it almost finished being decorated, can’t wait to see what I can do and will probably put some updates on this Community.

  • @sab It’s also about Quality, currently a lot of PeerTube Instances make you have a limit on how much space you have, if you self-host you can raise that limit to the amount of space you have. Most people who don’t create quality content might not last and possibly would just shut down their servers removing their content from the Fediverse.

    But those who get donations and any other form of revenue would be able to keep going and even expand their storage if they need to allow their content to be a bigger part of the Fediverse.

    Let’s take PewDiePie for instance, if he moved all his videos over to the Fediverse it would be only PewDiePie’s videos across the whole Fediverse but because of his money behind him, he can host them. Merch, Donations, and any other sponsorship could keep him running the server for another month, especially if someone already has or builds up a community of people that are willing to spend money on them.

  • @Zeppo The goal would be to use Linux as my base OS in the future. As I look through the many comments from everyone I am now re-evaluating some of the things I feel I ‘Need’ in my set up such as my Sync Cloud Storage, Instead I hope to move over to External Hard Drives.

    Knowing Adobe is a huge part of my setup does hurt the idea of moving to Linux at the moment but I will have to find if there is a workaround other than VMs in the future. People mentioned GPU Passthrough on the VM which would help a lot, It’s just not only learning how to run a VM but how to do the pass-through on it.

    But yes I do wish to move to Linux in the future but maybe baby testing the Distos I think I might like on a VM might be the best way to step into this rather than going into the deep end straight away.