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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023

  • I once had a female coworker who was complaining about how she had walked in on a male coworker using the single-occupancy bathroom (peeing, his back was turned to the door), that him not locking the door was somehow inappropriate of him.

    Somebody put a poll up on a white board with the scenario, with question “who behaved inappropriately” with the choices “the person entering the bathroom without knocking” “the person using the bathroom without locking it” “they are both wrong” and “we’re all adults here, get the fuck over it.”

    The tallies were overwhelmingly in the “get the fuck over it” column. But I feel the poll was missing something important: the door had a tendency when locked to stick and leave the person locked inside. We were in a quick-response duty status (as in running to the aircraft), so the person already in should absolutely not have locked it (he was the runner).

    You see a closed door to a room (of relative privacy) that might be occupied, you knock. Simple as.

  • Seriously, the part about him coming in to ask her when a project was finished and eventually yelling that he needs a date sounds like she was waffling, waffling, waffling, and he was asking for a simple answer he could work with.

    “I need to know an estimate of when you’ll have this portion of the project completed.”

    “Well, there’s this thing that’s having problems with this, and we’re working through this. This other thing…”

    “I understand, but I need a timeline so we can give the other team an idea when to expect it.”

    “So the thing is, there’s this portion of the project…”

    “For the… I NEED A DATE! A DATE!”

    “That’s sexual harassment.”

  • At a bagel place I used to go to, the person behind the counter said not to bother leaving a tip on the machine because the owners just took that. I came back the next time with cash and a printout of the law that shows that is considered wage theft and the Department of Labor number to call.

  • So two men from Detroit die and wind up in hell. One day the Devil comes around and sees the two in thick coats, hats, and mittens, with a fire barrel between them, seemingly enjoying themselves. The Devil walks up to them and asks how they find Hell.

    “Oh, it’s great! It gets awfully cold up in Michigan, dontcha know, so it’s nice to get some warmth!”

    The Devil walks off in a huff, and heads over to Hell’s Thermostat. He turns the heat up, saying “let’s see how they like this.”

    The next day he goes back to the two, and finds them with coats but no hats or mittens, still seemingly enjoying themselves. He walks up and asks how they are doing.

    “Well, it’s nice to get a little more heat here! Up in the U.P. we don’t get summers like this, doncha know.”

    The Devil walks off in a huff again, and heads back to The Thermostat. He cranks it up to the maximum and is immediately assaulted with the anguished cries of the damned.

    The next day he goes back to the two, and finds them in swim shorts and seemingly enjoying themselves. He walks up and asks how they like the heat now.

    “Oh, it’s so nice here! We can finally enjoy some heat after being cold so long!”

    The Devil stomps off again, and heads back to The Thermostat. After staring at it a moment, he says “well, if they like the heat, we’ll just give them back the cold!” And he cranks the Thermostat down as far as it can go. The cries of the torment soften to the sound of a multitude of chattering teeth. Icicles beging forming on the stalagtites and lava pools cool and solidify.

    The Devil returns to the two men to find them back in coats and mitten, loudly cheering and celebrating. The Devil loses his composure and yells.

    “I DON’T UNDERSTAND! I turn the heat up, and you enjoy it, but I blast you with cold and now I find you cheering! This is Hell! What do you have to celebrate?!”

    The two hug each other and yell out happily “The Lions must have won the Superbowl!”

  • It does make me a little uncomfortable to see intimate displays of affection in public. It doesn’t matter if it’s straight or gay or whatever.

    That obviously should have no effect on them. I have gotten comfortable with the discomfort, which is what people should generally do. It’s not their problem to deal with, it’s mine.

  • Are we “seppos” because we are septic tanks, or are we supposedly inclined to have septic tanks?

    Because I’ll lightly disagree with one of those, only because most people I’ve met and places I’ve lived have used public sewage systems.

    Edit: nevermind, read further on the definition page. It’s a rhyming thing (kind of?) and we’re full of shit. I’m on board with that.

  • TheDoozer@lemmy.worldtoDogs@lemmy.worldDog Powered Scooter
    3 months ago

    I doubt this is a means of travel or existing for the owner’s benefit. Some dogs just have more energy than their owner is capable of keeping up with, and they’ve been bred to have a high-energy job, so the best thing they can do is be given work to do, like pulling their human around.

    It’s that or walking them while they choke themselves out on a leash because their human is too slow, and destroy things in the house because they have no outlet.