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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I do live in Tokyo and you do make good points.

    I do not have any problem with automation and see it as absolutely essential (along with more open immigration) to Japan’s future. I do not have any problem bussing my table in an establishment where that is the norm and has been for decades.

    I do feel, however, that it is important for business owners to continue pay something for automation that replaces workers. This is hardly a new idea. Or a popular one. But it is what I believe is right.

    I don’t mind if they want to pay me for doing the job of a cashier (this would probably just be a small reduction to price similar to the reduction in price for transportation if you use an IC card or app and in contrast to how asking for a plastic bag results in a small addition to price) though I think the best way to handle this is for owners to pay fees to the government just as they would have if humans were doing the jobs. Just as I think those who own robotic assembly lines should.