Could someone please elaborate? Cause it is wooshing really hard here
Good story
You want metal as fuck? Check out these dudes and dudettes
Please let this be just a fake one
Thanks op! I can sleep again! ;) good luck
Yo op! I found this in my saved items… 4 weeks later: did you get it fixed? Hope so!
Yes, but also the star wars and sims franchise
Haha thanks, I am ready to switch!
Again, i have no idea what you are saying… There is lots to learn!
Yes this would be the only reasonable answer for my use case
Ok cool, so you do very specific things (and I lost you at UDP). So since I don’t have a very specific use case, I am sadly still not convinced that I need to switch
But I don’t need anything to be fixed… It just works (for the easy things I need it to do)
Look I understand your point, but for me it functions for what it needs to do. So i don’t need a very specific tech support answer
Ok so I am probably gonna curse in the Linux church but please enlighten me
I have one laptop with windows 10 for the simple stuff: internet, movie, ms office. It functions perfectly. Yes it needs a reboot sometimes. I don’t understand what people are saying about how terrible ms in regard for easy users.
I mean I get it that it probably using my data, which would be actually enough to change.
However: all these post about how easy it is to fix stuff in Linux (and thus saying it is not working properly)… Keeps me in ms.
What are you guys doing that needs so much tinkering that needs to be fixed constantly?