• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023

  • What doesn’t make sense is how haven’t these primordial black holes accumulated to form massive objects that dominate the universe? The distribution of dark matter implies that it’s widely dispersed throughout the universe, amongst all other matter, but wouldn’t these primordial black holes have started to attract matter and grown in mass from 1 second after the Big Bang? Wouldn’t the vast majority of these proton sized black holes no longer be proton sized? Wouldn’t they have grown until they absorbed most visible matter in their vicinity? If this were true wouldn’t it mean most of the dark voids between galaxies and stars are actually gravitationally dominated by black holes of varying sizes? How could our observations to date have missed that? Wouldn’t pointing the JWST at any void show signs of infrared gravitational lensing? Oh god I’ve gone cross-eyed…


    “Even if you take into account clustering, the time scales for the merger are so long that they would only merge into really massive black holes over the entire age of the universe,” he continued.

    If this were true, how have all the sub-atomic particles accumulated to form visible matter and galaxies? Do these black holes somehow have less mass than other particles? If so, how could they possibly make up most of the gravity in the universe — more gravity than all the visible matter — yet their gravity is so weak that they don’t accumulate into larger clusters?

  • has also been working on an implant that would be able to euthanize Alzheimer patients unable to make their own care decisions, and told us the first one has been built. It will only be loaded with saline to test the timing technology used in the implant, we’re told.

    Fuck yeah. Family members, nor the state, can be trusted to execute a demented persons wishes — wishes they were made while still of sound mind. I was already planning on building a suicide machine if I’m ever diagnosed (customised gas mask + nitrous oxide or nitrogen tank probably). Having autonomous, simple, well tested, painless options would prevent me having to waste my time on that.

  • Everyone wants a Her style personal assistant — as in one that is personal-context aware, can simplify, and generally enrich their lives (not for emotional support) — but if most people knew how unintelligent AI is, how spectacularly it fails, and how dangerous it is to integrate it into information systems and (especially) give it any ability to act … Literally nobody would want to give it access to all their data, or use it beyond an advisory role.

  • The state IS the corpos. We don’t have democracies. We have corporate plutocracies — where the Venn diagram between the most powerful individuals and corporations is basically a circle.

    Money is more than just speech. Money is votes, and the more money you have, the more votes you have… and all of those “votes” go to pre-vetting, pre-selecting, pre-approving, financing, and promoting the names that appear on your ballot, as well as all the bills they vote on.