He/Him or They/Them

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It does come pre-installed on some computers depending on the provided OS and the changes made by the manufacturer. If you install your own fresh version of windows, it should only be installed if windows believes you need it for the component to function.

    My last pre-built came with a bunch of garbage before I wiped it with a fresh copy of windows and almost all went away. I would certainly not say Intel is the worst though, older dell machines and even relatively modern HP machines come with a bunch of “necessarily for the component to function” garbage that can’t really be uninstalled easily (windows will reinstall them).

  • Was a computer repair tech until a few months ago. About 6 months ago this older guy brought in his laptop because he had been hacked and they had changed his password. Was able to change the password to something new using some fancy tools but upon getting in all his files were still missing. Turns out OneDrive was on and ALL of his important files were only on OneDrive and not the computer. Well, Microsoft had changed his password when the hackers changed his computer password so he was locked out and Microsoft didn’t believe he owned the account anymore since he didn’t know the password. After weeks of calls he just gave up trying to get his stuff back.

    Fuck OneDrive.

  • It still shows up for me, I’ll post it below for reference.

    The meme is about a controversial topic which has lead to numerous debates lately where “both sides” are extremely sexist to the other. I made an statement, it wasn’t subject of debate (unlike the meme).

    there is no rule that the memes can’t be attached to debates

    Never said that, I actually enjoy a lot of debates born from memes, so that’s not the problem. I clearly said I didn’t see this specific topic appropriate because of the sexist (and sometimes political) nature of it. Debates are only cool when they aren’t meant to divide and create conflict-

    Were you guys outspoken then?

    -which you seem to try to encourage. Nice try, but I’m not changing my mind here, this post doesn’t seem appropriate to me in the slightest. People here expect “haHa [insert funny akward quote]”, not “let’s compare ewoks to fucking rapists”.

  • Debates are only cool when they aren’t meant to divide and create conflict-

    Do you know what debates are? What they are for? How they operate? A debate is always two opposing ideas, they are literally designed to divide and revolve around conflict. If you only like debates that unite and cause harmony then you don’t actually like debates, you like discussions.

    I clearly said I didn’t see this specific topic appropriate because of the sexist (and sometimes political) nature of it.

    A) Yes it’s a debate about sexism and rape culture, of course it’s going to involve sexism.

    B) Everything is politics. People who complain about things “getting too political” just don’t like the politics on display.

    We are literally in a meme community revolving around an allegory for the Vietnam war where the good guys are analogous to the Vietcong. If you think Star Wars is not a place for politics then you don’t understand Star Wars.

  • WhatTrees@lemmy.blahaj.zonetomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    5 months ago

    The problem is a large portion of rape is not done by serial rapists who rapes every chance they get, it’s done by average dudes once or twice when an opportunity arrives. Most rape cases involve someone known to the victim.

    Rape culture (as awkward and taboo of a phrase as it as) is a real thing that this bear analogy is pointing to. You may not have anything to examine in yourself that is the result of that culture but a metric fuck-ton of men do have internalized rape cultural aspects that need to be examined and extracted. The fact that so many women picked the bear is a testament to how pervasive that culture is, at least in their eyes.

    The point isn’t to stoke the egos of the serial rapists with no empathy, it’s to use empathy to make the “average-Joe” rapist examine his internal biases before they turn into an actual rape.

  • WhatTrees@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoFacepalm@lemmy.worldfucking brainrot
    6 months ago

    No. It went over your head again. The victim is not at fault, even partially. The guy who left his keys in the car is not even partially at fault, as stated in their comment, the only one responsible is the person who stole the car. Full stop. Are there things you can do to lower the risk of being a victim? Sure. Are you partially responsible if you don’t? NO.

    Of course people are more upset about rape than many other crimes because not all crimes are of equal harm to society and others. Murder and speeding are both crimes, are you gonna complain about people focusing on murder over speeding? Is it wrong for the news to cover a murder but not a speeding ticket? Is it that hard to imagine why rape might be seen as a more serious offense?

    Is it “hypocrisy” to call out victim-blaming for rape? It’s wrong in all cases, but especially heinous in the context of rape, not just because the majority of the victims are women, but because you are acting like rape is a force of nature that can’t be stopped, controlled, or lessened. Rape doesn’t happen because of the way she dressed or the lack of a man with her, it happened because someone decided to treat her as a sex object and use violence to carry that out.

  • I am obligated by my work to offer this to customers when they buy an HP printer and I make it really clear that it’s a bad deal for most customers. There are some edge case examples, like a lady with a small business who always prints exactly like 3 pages a day. The other customers who agree to buy it are almost always the super old people who don’t want to have to come to the store to get more ink. I think it’s a shit program that should be scrapped entirely, but some people really don’t care if it’s a bad deal as long as they get the convenience. No different than 7-11 up charging shit because it’s easier to buy it at the market down the street than the Walmart a few miles down the road.

  • Right, you’ll instead be convinced to feel morally superior while supporting (by not voting against) the non-moderate wing of fascism. Won’t you just feel so clean and superior while Trump harms the people you want to protect?

    It’s privileged to think that you have an inherent right to vote for someone who aligns with all your values. You vote for the person who has the best chance of winning who aligns most closely with your values. You vote for the person who has the best chance of stopping the fascist from winning.You have to be strategic with your vote as long as our system is FPTP. Or you can tacitly support the fascists while claiming to be morally superior by not voting.

  • No, it’ll also be the fault of idiots like you who think you get the privilege of voting for someone you really like instead of just getting to pick the least bad option. You have the chance to vote to keep trans people safe for another 4 years, to keep abortion legal on the federal level for the next four years, etc. You choosing not to do that in the desperate bid to feel like your hands are clean will directly result in harm to those around you. Your hands will be dirty either way.

  • There are only two parties that have a mathematical chance of winning. You can throw your vote away on a third party, hoping to get them 20x their highest ever turn-out in the hopes that they get more money if you want. But know that what you are actually doing is indistinguishable from simply not voting. Work on getting ranked-choice voting in your state first, then vote your conscience. Voting third party now just guarantees another 4+ years of Trump.

  • You really wouldn’t understand why some Ukrainians would support a party that calls for the death of all Russians? You really can’t see why Afghans supported the Taliban during the American occupation? I’m not asking if it’s right for them to do so, or if it’s right for people to support those that do, in asking if you can understand why they’d feel that way.

    What are your thoughts about the Haitian slave revolt?

    Hamas’ stated goal is a product of Israeli actions. Terrorist groups calling for the destruction of another country don’t tend to form in stable, prosperous, and free countries.

    Not to mention that Israel has been actively stealing Palestinian land for decades and recently argued to the UN that all of Palestine was a part of Israel. They aren’t exactly respecting the border either. They are also seen as an existential threat to the Palestinians.

    Israel doesn’t see a two state solution as an option either. They either want full control over Palestine or a puppet state that they have almost total control over. No real Arab state would be allowed by them and they’ve made that clear.

    Nothing good will happen until tensions deescalate, which can’t happen until Israel backs down from their occupation and oppression. You won’t stop making new terrorists until they are treated as people.